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'Free' skills with C:SM. Wheres ours?


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Can't take choices for your Primary Detachment from outside of your Primary Detachment's Codex - pg 109 of the rule book. Appreciate the cleverness of the attempt, tho. msn-wink.gif

I counter with the very bottom right of page 7. Last paragraph.

Hah! Fair point, but in this case, it doesn't really apply - the Codex isn't contradicting the rules here. Rules within Codexes can and should be assumed to be self-referencing, not global.

Yes it is, Lexy. The book says you can't but the codex says your primary detachment may take them.

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Like I said, it may not be the intent, but the fact that I can actually lawyer it out just reflects poor thought on the designer's behalf. I could easily write that rule 5 different ways that would exclude my proposal, but as it stands, my proposal can be legitimized (as is apparent because people are actually agreeing with me). I'm gonna run it by my local group and see what they decide, then play by that decision. No hard feelings. I really wonder how these books end up looking after translated into a different language when they are this ambiguous in the native language. blink.png

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Well, sucky miniatures for a sucky codex. sounds about balanced. Oh wait, Choosen actualy look good, a pity that they are bad.

But hey, we got new Raptors because the old ones looked so terrible (not) and surely our csm squads don't need an update for another 10 years.

Cause everyone just loves to assemble and paint ugly, low quality miniatures. On the bright side, if we wait a few years more, then FW might actualy stop

producing the xth variant of early heresy powerarmour/terminator armour and release some proper chaos marines. If we are realy lucky then this might

fall together with our 8. edition release (now only 100€ for the codex) which will include new large scale monstrous creatures created in cooperation with Hasbro. Too bitter?

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The old raptors were terrible. Not because they looked awful, but because they were top heavy to the point of unplayability in metal, and fragile to the point of uselessness in finecast. The 3.0 raptors weren't too bad, though. Those were ok at the time, but are kind of dated in their aesthetic, now.


So yeah, I'm glad they did new raptors, and the warp talons look cool, too. I'm sad that neither is exactly good on the table, and there's a lot of other models I would have also wanted to see, but whatever, it's not like they were intentionally bad.

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Well, sucky miniatures for a sucky codex. sounds about balanced. Oh wait, Choosen actualy look good, a pity that they are bad.

But hey, we got new Raptors because the old ones looked so terrible (not) and surely our csm squads don't need an update for another 10 years.

Cause everyone just loves to assemble and paint ugly, low quality miniatures. On the bright side, if we wait a few years more, then FW might actualy stop

producing the xth variant of early heresy powerarmour/terminator armour and release some proper chaos marines. If we are realy lucky then this might

fall together with our 8. edition release (now only 100€ for the codex) which will include new large scale monstrous creatures created in cooperation with Hasbro. Too bitter?

 The last batch of metal Raptors were not too top heavy in the last codex, provided that you recast their bases in solid depleted uranium.

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