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Jetbike Charging and Obstructions


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A summary can be found on Morticon's latest tournament report.


In short, there are no rules that govern how a Jetbike charges through/around intervening models and terrain. We know how they move, we know the general charge rules and how Jump Infantry differentiates from that, but what about the Jetbike?


How would you play it?

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Chaplain Admetus said this:




Tricky one to call; I'd be happier seeing this go to the FAQ guys. As I see it, the pertinent parts of the rules are these:


1) Jetbike rules (p. 45) - "Jetbikes can always move over all other models and terrain freely. However, if a moving Jetbike begins or ends its move in difficult terrain..." etc.


2) Charging rules (p. 21) - "Charging models still cannot move through friendly or enemy models, cannot pass through gaps narrower than their base, and cannot move into base contact with a unit they are not charging"


3) Jump Units (bear with me) (p. 47) - "When using its jump pack (whether moving, charging or falling back, as we'll discuss in a moment) a model can move over all other models and all terrain freely"


So Jump Units that use their jump packs in the assault phase can leap over intervening models and charge as long as they can see their target. Trouble is a lack of a specific permissive clause for jetbikes; however the "always move over all other models" bit in their rules seems to tally with "when using its jump pack...a model can move over all other models" from the jump infantry bit.

id just be curious to hear what people thought. 
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I'm inclined to agree with seahawk. Also, while jump units are restricted to using their jump pack either in the movement or assault phase, the jetbike has no such rule (wouldn't make sense anyway, the character won't get off his bike and carry it on his back).


Well maybe a marine could, would explain the "Hammer" of wrath rule. Bikes would hurt to get hit by.

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Quick question: Do you consider charging to be a move or a charge?


Only Jetbikes move as described in the rules for Jebike moving, but the only rules for charging they share with regular bikes meaning that if there's no room for the model to get through, it is blocked...

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Quick question: Do you consider charging to be a move or a charge?

It is a charge move.  Since the jet-bike rule about moving over terrain or other models specifies movement, then any and all movement is covered.  Consolidation moves, fall back moves and any other type of movement.


There is an exception made for a specific event during the assault phase -- must take a dangerous terrain test if assaulting a model behind a barricade --  so they have addressed charge moves there but have not otherwise restricted the permissions already given to moving over intervening models or terrain.

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