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Command squads upgrade


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Hello,hope u ciuld help me with it. Can company champion should take storm shield or not? If i first give him storm shield and plasma pistol and then upgrade him into champion then he can stand with hos equip?

It has been explained to me this way,but it seems weird?!

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I advise you to read the topics here concerning the Dark Angels command squads. The answer to this is the same as them.


A company champion doesn't have the option of a storm shield so if he is written on your army list with one then he's an illegal model.


The fact that you "took the Storm Shield first" won't be obvious from the written list.


As I mentioned in the other thread (about the chapter champion) just take a normal veteran with a power weapon and storm shield. He'll cost the same and doesn't have to issue/accept challenges.





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I am sorry I will open this one again.

New C:SM is out and thus Apothecary/Champion upgrades(now the storm shields) are on the top list again.


Codex Orks FAQ has been mentioned and there is written:


Q. If a Boyz mob exchange sluggas and choppas with shootas, can a
Nob take a power klaw or a big choppa? (p100)
A. You may upgrade the Nob to have a big choppa or power
klaw before you choose to upgrade the mob to have shootas, in
which case the Nob is not affected by the mob’s weapon swap
(as he no longer has a choppa to swap), does notreceive a
shoota and keeps his slugga and power klaw/big choppa
OK what we have here
You may upgrade the Nob to have different weapon and than the change is not valid on him.
The are three conclusiions on that
1. MOB WEAPON SWAP WILL AFFECT HIM IF HE STAYS WITH CHOPPA - therefore what is valid for whole unit will include the nob. The difference is in wording between C:SM amnd C:Ork. C:SM says that VETERAN shall upgrade with storm shield, not "Members of Honor Guard shall be upgraded with Storm Shield.  (Honor Guard mob ;-D)  Therefore only veterans should be upgraded with storm shield.
2. Nob is upgraded to Nob before the unit has other upgrades like weapon swap....Therefore it says character upgrade could be first and than the Storm Shield cant be given to 
3. Nothing at all! There is nothing mandatory: it is not clearly saying that the character upgrade is first in the order of upgrades.
Now Codex Tau was mentioned again.
See Kroot Squads
Is explicitly said that all models. E.G if in C:SM is written that only Veterans, than it is not valid for Apothecary / Champion.
So I am with those of you who wrotes that UPGRADE FOR STORM SHIELD IS NOT POSSIBLE.
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Don't resurrect the dead topics. Dam13n was right to point out the old one, but if you had something new to add better to put it in this one as that topic was so old. Hence why your post has been moved.

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