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This is my WIP thread for my Imperial fist successors, the Storm Scythes. Maybe one day I will get a full article written up. It will be slow, as I am not a writer, and second, I got a pretty active schedule lately with my art classes, since some classes are more involved than others it varies from semester to semester.

Here is my planned scheme. Purity seals will be read, while all the optics eye lens' will be turquoise. I will end up using white for markings, and will put a squad number on the right knee, with the left knee having a lighting bolt in company colors. I will use some basic squad type markings on the right shoulder pad, using a X for assault, reverse V for devestator, and probably a straight line for tactical. My stern guards will get similar treatment as the tactical and assault, but will also receive purple helmets. Sergeants of all styles will receive a white helmet stripe.


This first post will be updated as I put together an actual article, but I will update the thread with updates as I get some.

I already have an idea for a small story to their founding toiling around in my head, i just haven't had a chance to write it down and flesh it out yet.

So what I do know so far.

Imperial Fist Geneseed, not sure quite yet which founding.

They were given a home world, but follow Imperial fist traditions of being a space fleet, they hold no permanent fortress on a home world, just garrisons from which to recruit. Because of them not taking up full control of their homeworld, the storm scythes have also let an order of sisters place a monestary their. They share a battle bond with this order of sisters (Order of the Scourged Heart which is my DIY sister order), and have let them become the primary defenders of the planet, even though they still leave a small garrison their too. The storm Scythes have 3 other recruitment worlds in surrounding sectors.

They are a strict codex chapter, but share similarities to imperial fists in seige aspects. They tend to be great at seige warfare, and actually the chapter loves it when they get to take a fortified position. They also hate xenos of all types, and have become really good at clearing out ork infestations.

As far as location in the galaxy, I am going to try to find one that is closer to tau space if possible. My local store has quite a few tau players, but also some chaos players. Eldar, orks and nids aren't as common, but the ork fluff is due to me using Kantor over lysander when I do use a special character.

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If I can make a suggestion on the scheme, I'd make the purple more of an accent colour. I liked the original idea of grey and purple fists, maybe:


Then, when you do vet/sgt in white/purple they'll pop a lot more, I'd definitely go white for vets, purple for sgts, and some combo of the two (helm stripe, painted laurels, etc) for vt sgts.



Vt Sgt:


Just some ideas anyway. As to names, Knights/Scions/Sons/Hammers of *Insert Planet name here* could all work and sound fairly Dorn-ish?

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Thanks but I don't want to really do a complete repeat of my old light grey and purple accent fists and chest Aquila. What you posted is literally just a darker overall version on my original scheme.


I want to do something new taking the color purple and making it a secondary color. Mine is bright because well I will be using the new gw purples and they range from a darker purple up to a more lavender color. I want it rich and regal, not reddish color or lavender and plan to use the more lavender color as a highlight jot the base. I decidedly on a darker grey instead of pure black base because black is so overdone,and with the new eshin grey it's a great starting point to have a dark grey armor instead of just a black armor.


The reason I have these colors in mind is well honestly I invested in some colors to do a purple eldar army,and I was going to use rangers is got a lot of the new greys to do an urban camo pattern o. Their cloaks. Well, I decide to part with the eldar, because I simple don't want to paint them and can,t work out the scheme I envisioned with them just right, plus they can't really ally with my sisters like IG or marines can, even though marines are not battle brothers with them. My problem is not really the color scheme, but naming issues. I have read all the articles on the forums so I know using the names you suggested could work. I also don't like using a planets name because it means I have to first comeup with a planet name, define its culture, figure out how they see the marines so I can work out how best to add the planet name into the chapter name, and since I was planning on a fleet based chapter, being named after a planet doesn't really fit.


I also prefer naming them after something, or some animal type, or an ideal, not so much planets, people, or colors. Since I wanted to avoid fist, and possibly using dorm I their name, I am struggling to co duo with a name that seems to fit their imperial fist lineage. The Phoenix idea I had is cool but also doesn't feel like it fits either. I guess for now I will have to find time to brainstorm after reading some more fluff once I dig out my old white dwarf with the index astartez article on the fists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, it's been a week plus since i made this thread and it went dead, that,s for sure. I think I have finally managed to work up a name. I put up several ideas on a list with many variations.

Tonight I finally managed to pick one I liked best. Trying to pick a name has been tedious but i honestly didn't get much time to think it over. Anyways the name I decided on is "Storm Scythes".


This name also makes of an easy icon. I will probably do a single scythe with the blade turned downwards and the blade forming a lightning bolt. It also means I can keep the color scheme. It also gives me the luxury of creating a character with a scythe as well.


Since the fists are their parent chapter, I figured giving them a weapon in their name would fit well. He idea of storm was based on the color but could also benefit a tactic.


Anyways I just wanted to see what you guys thin. It will take me some time to paint and build the army but this time I actually want to put together an article for the chapter. This too will take me some time, but I will just write notes in my notebook and see what I can work out. I will definitely start a new thread later on.

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Storm Scythes?

I like it. Colours are good, symbol sounds awesome, and the name has a lot of character.

You won't need a new thread, you could just rename this one (can we still do that, actually? Haven't tried since the board update) and keep all the discussion / info handy in case you need it later.happy.png

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thanks Ace, took your advice, and just modified my first post, and thread title.  Will be much easier to keep all my brainstorming and short stories and ideas in one thread.   Will be trying to work on my first short story/addition to their origin this week. I got some ideas roaming in my brain, but haven't found the time to get them on paper yet.  Will also help me narrow down their founding date as well while working out the founding of the chapter. 

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you mean like this 



or http://www.fozza.co.uk/pics/Triple%20Purple%20Lightning.jpg


Lightning can often be purple because of the gases that are being ionized in the atmosphere.   In fact in neon lights, the color differences are based on what type of gases they use in the seal tube that they then charge with electricity. 


As for the color scheme, I actually came up with the color scheme before the name.   I really like the way the black and purple is seen, and the picture is probably brighter than the paints will turn out.  Truth is, I hate the standard lich purple look, its a red violet which is fine and all, but I like the bluer purples but they are so hard to find a good paint line with them.  GW finally created some better purples and its what I am going to be using.  I will actually end up replacing the image above once I get a painted marine pic done, course I have to get a marine painted first, just never enough time in the day with the two classes I have going right now.   


The scythe image was simply because, well I like the way they look, its a weapon you don't see very much, and to call them, Storm Blades or Storm Axes, or Storm Fists all sounded sort of lame.   I created the color scheme first, and then went about trying to find a name for the chapter that would well, fit and work.  I was trying to avoid something like the Amethyst Fists, or Purple Shins.   

I plan to work in the idea of storms into their Homeworld.  Was thinking they would be a fleet based chapter, but I am now starting to lean towards a home world idea, just because the Fleet based chapters are sort of being over done in the DIY world.   


As for their homeworld, well think of Dromand Kaas from Star Wars the Old Republic.  A world with lots and lots of lightning storms, but isn't derived from force wielding sorcerers.    I haven't gotten around to doing the research on it, but I am wanting to have a scientific reason behind it so I am working on the research and slowly pulling ideas for my chapter into my notebook.  


I will probably end up adding an update on the Chapter master first before I get to the origins as planned.  Mostly because I am in the process of converting up a Pedro Kantor stand in, and want it to look different than the stock model, so building one from scratch, while also building up fluff ideas on the guy.  The name is the hardest part so far, got a first name, trying to find a suitable surname for the guy.   Also trying to figure out how to go about writing up some background info, keeping it simple, but justified and something that doesn't just sound lame either.  Also their is the whole age thing, because I will be sort of giving a rough estimate to his age so it comes down to, do I make him young or old, or somewhere in the middle.  Thinking between 300-400 years old, but still not sure just how old a chapter master is suppose to be.  

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Here is a small background story to the origin that I worked up.  Took me a little bit to get this uploaded, cause I have been toying over a home world name.  


In Late M37, the 4th Company strike force of the Imperial fist chapter was on a routine route after completing a mission near Terra.   On their way back to the Phalanx, they stopped by Terra and Mars to get new recruits and resupplies for the chapter.  Upon arrival to Mars, Commander Colton of the Imperial Fist 4th Company was given news from the Adeptus Mechanicus. He was informed that the High Lords of Terra had ordered the Adeptus Mechanicus to begin founding new chapters for the 23rd Founding.  They had already begun the ground works decades before, and had found some suitable sentinel worlds as well as begun the build up of gene-seed stock for these new chapters.   Upon the arrival of the Fists, they had decided this was a great opportunity to get a founding Cadre for the Fist Gene-stock they had already mustered for one of the planned founding chapters.  


Commander Colton was given the task to put together a training cadre for this new chapter.   He returned to his fleet, and began finding the suitable members for the Cadre.   He had approached the few Librarians and chaplains that were attached to the strike force fleet, as well as the Apothecarium and techmarines assigned as well.   They would decide who the best canidates for the job would be.   He then set about for the task of finding a suitable candidate to lead this cadre.   He decided to approach a battle brother who he had had the honor of fighting side by side with over the last century, and who was still apart of the first company.  He approached Sergeant Fairchild of the 9th sternguard squad that had been attached to the 4th strike force.   As a former member of his unit when Colton was in the first, they had fought beside each other on many battle fields.  They had built up a bond, which was why Fairchild had volunteered to be attached to his company during the last several missions.   Colton came across Fairchild and his squad on the sparring decks, just where he knew he would find them.  


He had approached fairchild as a brother, and he decided to gather the entire squad together first before telling them of their new assignment.   He presented this rare honor to fairchild and his squad, and told them that they would be assigned the task of leading this training cadre.   They would become its commanding structure, and would bestow upon them the honor of siring a new chapter in the ways and glory of the Imperial fists.   They alone would be tasked with passing on the traditions and honor that the sons of Dorn had cherished, and would be instrumental in the molding of this new chapter.   He also told them that the new chapter was one of many to help bolster the defense of the Imperium in the far flung reaches of the galaxy.   He informed them that the him and his squad, along with others of the training cadre would have to stay behind on Mars, and await the assignment given to them from the Adeptus Mechanicus.   After the squad had all agreed and accepted this great honor, Colton pulled Fairchild off to talk to him in private.  


The duo had ventured off to Coltons Command Room on the ship.  Their, Commander Colton presented Fairchild with a gift.   He said " Brother Fairchild, you have been my brother in arms for many a decade.  We have fought together side by side.  You have even followed me as I took command of a company, and together we have slain many of foe's in both the Emperor and Dorn's Name.  Now I send you off with a great task, but I want to give you a gift."   Colton then turned to his armory and brought out a storm bolter of ancient design.  He then walked over to Fairchild, and presented him this weapon.  Colton told Fairchild, "This gun was a relic of old, presented from Dorn to the first 4th Commander of the legion during the days of the founding.  It was dubbed then and has forever since carried the name of Discipline's Wrath.  It has been handed down as a sign of position and Honor from one 4th Company Commander to the next.  Today I break that tradition, and I give it to you.  May this Relic bring honor to you and your new chapter.  This is also a sign of brother hood between our two chapters.  Now go Fairchild, no longer are you a sergeant, but now a chapter master.  May you never forget brother, you are always a son of Dorn."


Fairchild was speechless, he graciously took the weapon, placed it by his side and after several drinks and a hearty shake, he returned to his squad, gathered his gear, and headed to the launch bays to head to the surface of Mars.  On Mars, Fairchild and his cadre had gathered.  They were approached by adepts, and given their new assignment.  They were briefed that they were given a newly commissioned and unnamed Battle barge. It would be the first of many new ships as they would have to get this new chapter up to battle strength.  The Barge had been supplied and stocked with armor and vehicles, as well as the needed gene-seed to start their new chapter.   They were also given the coordinates to their new homeworld, named Kaikias, and were tasked to head their and begin the recruitment and training.   This home world had already been prepared for their arrival and been indoctrinated over the last few decades to imperial rule.   They now just needed to go their, select a suitable site to being construction of their Fortress Monastery, and begin training their new recruits.     Fairchild and his Cadre did as they were tasked, and boarded the new ship.   Fairchild himself looked out at the stars as he took command of the vessel.  He gave the Ship Commander their new coordinates and then staired out into space as he gripped the Discipline's Wrath.   Out their lay their new future, around a star was the planet Kaikias where this future would be built, and it now all rested on his shoulder.   The enemies of mankind would face a new chapter of marines, and Dorn's Legacy would start anew. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a small update, I haven't made any further progress with the background, but just to set the color scheme straight, as well as introduce the army icon and some markings.  


So tactical squad/sternguards will all have a staight line on this shoulder, Devestations an upside down V, and assault marines/vanguard will get an X.   The unit designation or number will be on the right knee pad, company designation through colored lightning bolt on the left knee pad.   The only issue I see is with doing two of the companies, that is the 5th and one of the reserves, due to a black and purple lightning bolt.  The black one will be to dark, the purple would blend way to easily.   Perhaps these two get a white trim line around the lightning bolt to help set them out, or I use different colors that I haven't even thought about.     Also veteran marines will have a purple helm, sergeants get a stripe which will be either purple for non veteran sergeants, white for the veteran sergeants.  


on to the first tactical squad painted up.  Decided to keep weathering effects to vehicles only, because they take pride in their armor, it is their battle dress uniforms, so they maintain them in between battles.  


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