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Hail my fellow Battle Brothers


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Brothers Hail,


Allow this humble brother the honor of introducing himself.


I greet you all a brother Marcus ( or Mark ) from my fortress monastery on the island of Malta. I ha.....


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Ugh, well hello everyone. I'm Mark from Malta, 26 years old, and I've been a wargamer since I was about 13. First and foremost I've always collected, painted, ruined and fielded the mighty Space Marines as my chosen army. Have made dabbles with other factions, and am running up quite some successes with my current Tau army, but my first love, is, has been, and always will be Space Marines.


Started out with Dark Angels ( so imagine my glee when they got a new codex ), moved onto Imperial Fists, but over the last 2 years I've been steadily building my own Chapter, "The Emperor's Celestials", or just the "Celestials" for short. It's sort of a Deathwatch idea, but it's mainly my way of justifying building a core Space Marine army, supplement it with Codex specific units ( Like wolfguard, death company, ravenwing bikers ) and use whatever codex I feel like using at the time. This also has the added hilarity of the army being amazingly aimed toward my absolute love, APOCALYPSE! Which basically means I can field 4 different armies, and it will still look like 1 force. So imagine a Chapter that takes in the best of various other chapters so it can launch itself happily into suicide missions as a last resort.


Added to that I've built a small Inquisition force in the shape of a storm trooper army ( because let's face it, storm troopers are bad ass ) and a small detachment of Imperial flashligh...... I mean Imperial Guard.


Well, that's more then enough about me really. I'll see you all on the Battlefield.

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