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Can a Company Champion take Storm Shield?


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The codex reads:
---One Veteran may be upgraded to a Company Champion, replacing their chainsword with a power weapon and a combat shield
---Any Veteran may take any of the following:
-Melta bombs
-Storm shield


Now, Can I buy a veteran a SH, then upgrade him to Company Champion?

My opinion is YES, and because I must take the best save, the combat shield wouldn't work. Is that right?

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You can give veterans a storm shield but you upgrade the veteran to a company champion, at which point RAW he's not a veteran, he's a company champion. If it said "any model" then you could definitely do it, as it stands it needs an FAQ.


I'd probably let my opponent do it, I'm always happy to make an exception when the RAW doesn't make sense.

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This has been argued to death, just do a search in this forum, you'll find quite a few threads.


Grey area IMO, because while the Company Champion can't take upgrades, some will argue about the fact that you can upgrade with storm shield and then upgrade to Company Champion.


I always say that if you're having to justify an army list selection, you're probably doing it wrong, and to be on the safe side don't bother doing it.

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