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Just noticed, WB recon in the BL supplement


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[/Quote]Without going into spoiler territory for any potential novels, one of the things that's heavily in Abaddon's favour is, well, who he is. Depending on when he goes to the Daemon Primarchs (as in, at what point in time) as well as depending on the reasons he goes to them, the results will be vastly different. An Abaddon already given the Mark of Chaos Ascendant and at the head of the Black Legion will be a


Well. Obviously, towards the end of M41, Abaddon is certainly The Biggest Deal. By miles. And miles. And miles.


"Please go away," said Erebus. "Lorgar isn't receiving visitors right now."


"Cool," replied Abaddon. "Say, here's an idea. The uncountably vast numbers of Chaos Marines in orbit are, like, my boys. So are the hundreds upon hundreds of warships they're sailing on. So open the door, or I delete this little planet from the face of the canon."


"You're not that powerful. Even with all those numbers..."


"My flagship, on its own, is called The Planet Killer. So... guess again."


Erebus smirked, the way he always smirked in the Heresy series. You know the way I mean; the way that annoys people. He totally did that.


"Something funny, Ebbs?" Abaddon asked.


"I heard Magnus refused to see you."


"Magnus is certainly spreading that story, isn't he? I wouldn't book any holidays to the Planet of the Sorcerers for a while, though. It's all a bit... orbital bombardish over there."


"If you try that here," replied Erebus, "Lorgar will simply be banished and reform in the Warp, as he's a daemon now."


"I'll tell you what. Seeing as I'm the Champion of Chaos and have famously gathered more influence and power here in the Eye than any of the Daemon Primarchs can even dream, you can either open the door, or I can go call up several hundred sorcerers to bind Lorgar and drag him before me in aetheric chains. How does that sound, chief?"


"I'll... I'll open the doors."


"Yeah, you do that."


Here I was going all metaphysical, with "Lorgar being the prophet of the primal truth, attuned to the song of the warp" and kind of out of touch with his mortal legion. And kind of pissed with Erebus, Kor and probably most of the Dark Council anyway. So he might notice and be more inclined to see Abbadon the "first violin" in the primal song...

And then you show up and find a way to go all bad ass over the whole thing ;)


BTW so your main character in the BL books is going to be a Thousand Son turned Black legionnaire ?! Gosh I can't wait for this....

Edited so this awesomeness is quoted,hopefully

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I'd say that the Word Bearers as a whole come across as cackling, mustache twirling villains in the Heresy, or at least that's my perception. You got books like Fear to Tread, Battle of the Abyss and Deliverance Lost were the WB basically show up as rather one-note villains.

Actually, to be frank, Argel Tal and Lorgar are the only Word Bearers I really like and even then Lorgar himself comes across as a deluded fool much of the time.

Oh yeah? YOUR Primarch is a deluded fool furious.gif

But I take your point. In Deliverance Lost they only exist to job to the Super Special Raven Guard that Corax made after going on a magical adventure through the mysterious labyrinth where the Emperor stored the secret process to make Super Duper Astartes that he decided not to use in favor of the long and slow one everyone uses now because REASONS. (Have I mentioned that I loathe Deliverance Lost to the very depths of my soul? Because I do. THE VERY DEPTHS!).

I haven't read Fear to Tread so I can't comment on that, but my understanding is Battle for the Abyss was likewise the liteary equivalent of a train full of orphans, nuns, kittens, puppies, and incendiary explosives derailing off the top of a mountain.

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Battle for the Abyss is guilty of many things, but chief among them imho is its absolutely awful characterization of its word bearers. Really awful.They're two-dimensional, personality-devoid, moustache-twirling, cackling pantomime villains with no complexity whatsoever and half the time they seem more interested in stabbing eachother in the back than enacting their vengeance against the ultramarines. The whole novel is kind of a disappointing mess, though, to be honest.


Swallow's Fear to Tread, on the other hand, does a brilliant job (imho) with its blood angels and space wolves (helik redknife is one of the most memorable heresy characters for me and he's not much more than a side-plot cameo) so it's weird that the word bearers seem to be a one-note cartoonishly evil afterthought.


I think I'm p.much going to stick to ADB and Abnett for my WB fiction from here on out. Those guys know what's up.

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The less we hear about the primarchs in 40k, the better. It is bad enough to have them in the heresy novels but at least 40k should be the playground for mortals and not some half forgotten sues which seem to become ever more powerful with each new novel containing them.

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