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Ogryn killers?

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Vindicators or plague marines. Vindies instant kill them with their S10 ordnance. Plague Marines are almost immune to damage by Ogryns in close combat, and have poisoned weapons so deal a great deal back. To put it like this, 5 Ogryns assaulting Plague Marines will kill about 1, and 10 barebone Plague Marines will also kill about one Ogryn in return.

If you give the Champ a Powerfist and the squad some special weapons, they will be pretty handly at killing other stuff too.


However, taking PMs is really boring, because they are the answer to almost everything.


Otherwise you could just send a Maulerfind into them. They cant hurt you and every wound you cause kills one of them.

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Another "boring" choice is the Baledrake, which should manage to cause enough wounds to kill 1 per shot. Units of spawn can can tarpit them cheaply, maulerfiends with tendrils can keep them busy too, really lowering their chances to glance them to death, though it will take a while for the fiends to kill them. Autocannon havocs/hadesfiends should be able to kill 2 a turn each if you've got an allied Tzeentch herald with divination buffing them. A Khorne axe-lord will shred them. Zombies will also keep them tied down for a while if you're ok with paying the Typhus tax.

Possessed are also strong enough to wound them on 4's and warptalons have Shred, but both these units are expensive and sub-par. Terminators with maces should be able to do a reasonable amount of damage to them too.


Short of the few things we have that can kill them through Instant Death, our best best to tarpit them and hope they stay tied up long enough for them to not be an issue for as much of the game as possible. Other than that, we don't really have too many quick-fixes for ogryns, but they're not the biggest threat Guard can throw at us anyway. The more ogryns your opponent brings, the fewer other threats you have to deal with.

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Dreadnought with power fist and twin linked heavy bolter/reaper autocannon or plasma cannon.


This I'll need to try as I have one, I've just been informed by my friend he'll be fielding three 10man squads of ogryns in the next game.


My baledrake has other things to fry, and only killing one per turn isn't really optimal.


Don't fancy plaguemarines or a DP, might get a vindi though.

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Battlecannon won't instant kill them, neither will the powerfists or multilators. Actually, the powerfist chosen give the ogryns a chance kill them off first, so maces would be a much better idea. More attacks, attack at initiative, and wound on 3+. Khorne Chosen with maces and an Apostle will really hurt ogryns on the charge, 30 S6 attacks with Hatred should get about 22 hits, and maybe 15 wounds that the brutes can't save, for 5 dead ogryns. That's not including any extra scrubs you might have in there too. Throw in the Khorne icon and you can probably take down another one from the maces and have a better chance for the extra guys to do some damage. I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility for a 10-man Khorne chosen with maces to take down 7-8 ogryns on the charge, before they get to strike.


Just make sure you put the normal guys at the front though, those ripper guns will probably do some damage on overwatch.

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Noise Marines with Blastmasters - MSU configuration. While they would not ID them, Strength 8 of the Blastmaster and AP 3 Area and Ignore Cover would net you some wounds every turn. I find it hard to miss something with the Blastmasters and it would be hard to miss some Ogryns due to their large model bases. All in all we are speaking of 125 points per squad.


On the other side one who fields so many Ogryns is severely lacking in other fields. Ogryns are expensive and not an imaginative part of an IG army list thus focus on his troops and tanks and see him run for cover when he would be hard pressed to contest objectives. My tactic would be to wound Ogryns at each turn and when they come close feed them with some Cultists. For every Blastmaster squad take a squad of Cultists and you can play it safe.

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30 ogryns is circa 1200 points, how many points are you playing? If you break out 3 vindis, you can ignore them almost as whatever hits your lines wont be strong enough to hurt.


sadly orgyns are poor all over, 3 attacks, mean 1.5 hit, 1 wound, and 0.3 dead marines per ogryn. If 3 hit your lines, a unit of 10 marines will kill them easily. I know because I try ruuning them often with my guard and having 12 in total means I generally have to use both groups of 6 against one target in order to ensure their death in a meaningful way (ie so I have another turn to do stuff)

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30 ogryns is circa 1200 points, how many points are you playing? If you break out 3 vindis, you can ignore them almost as whatever hits your lines wont be strong enough to hurt.


sadly orgyns are poor all over, 3 attacks, mean 1.5 hit, 1 wound, and 0.3 dead marines per ogryn. If 3 hit your lines, a unit of 10 marines will kill them easily. I know because I try ruuning them often with my guard and having 12 in total means I generally have to use both groups of 6 against one target in order to ensure their death in a meaningful way (ie so I have another turn to do stuff)


Well I must be doing something wrong or my mate's got something mixed up because they murdered my 10man squad of chaos marines the other night. Granted my armour saves were pathetic, but he was wounding 4-5 marines a turn, needless to say after 2 rounds of combat there wasn't much left of my squad


-oh and we're looking at playing a silly game, he'll be fielding 30 ogryns, 9 Demolishers and has about 280 points left for hq and troops in a 3k game. single FOC


-edited Vindicators to Demolishers ;)

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30 ogryns and 9 demolishers? That will have extremely limited range and no anti-air. Sit back with some high power heavy weapons (lascannon havocs or oblits) and harrass his tanks from behind with a hadesdrake, ignore the ogryns until they're close enough to get to grips with without having withstand a turn of bombardment from the tanks.


I might even suggest some melta termicide and raptor squads to drop behind his tanks. Since it's 3k points, maybe take Abby (or use the BL supplement) to have a bunch of 5-man lascannon chosen squads as Troops.

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