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Chaos Tribute, post here or where?


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Like all Brothers in here im a big fan of the warhammer 40 k universe.

in the last 6 months or so i started doing some tributes for fun and to honour the community.

I dont want you guys to see this as a spam or some kind of *"he is just trying to make subs". I do this for fun and because i am a true 40 k nerd and like it. And of course i like to show you guys if i think you would like it.

For an example i uploaded this Chaos tribute yesterday. i spent.. say 30 - 40 hours on it, many hour because i never worked with Sony Vegas before. But i dont mind when the result is quite good. Some may say the music need to be more heavy, i could agree at some parts, however to make all the music mix good and so on is quite a challange ;P

Like i said i do this for fun and i would like some criticism, both + & - about it.

So i can create better tributes to this awsome universe smile.png

Hope this was the correct thread do post this topic!

Fight and die well brothers! / Qarassen

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