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VotLW. To make the extra CCW useful you would have to assault or be assaulted and in both cases when this happens to your small squad it means that they are done for the game. The CCW is useful with the Mark of Khorne and even than on squads with a high model count otherwise you risk to gimp yourself due to the effects of MoK and Rage expiring in the second turn of combat. 


The VotLW is a much more generic upgrade and even so it has to be justified for it does not bring much to the board but it is indeed the better of the two. Use it on the CSM only for on other units it is very expensive and hardly worth its points. 

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I've taken it on oblits when I have points leftover.. just because when they fall back you ralize life is unfair. I do also wonder [as does the Jeske] how you have extra points in a 1000 sons army. I can barely build a working army for them due to their cost. If you unlocked a new peice of the triforce to make this possible or something, let us know.

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Ahriman, 2 minimum size squads of Thousand sons, 2 predators with lascannon sponsons, a vindicator and 5 man chaos marine squad with a plasma gun and combi plasma and lightning claw on the champ, and 5pts spare to use either on ccw or Votlw, I am thinking of dropping the vindicator for 5 rubrics, which would give me the pts to take both on chaos marine squad.

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I'd consider combining the TS squads, 5 men including sorcerer is very expensive, averaging 30pts/wound for the squad, which dies to bolters as easily as a 14pt chaos marine. Dropping the sorcerer saves you 35pts off the bat.


Again, 2ccw for large squads likely to see combat, 5 man units...I dont know if I'd bother, by the time the opponent kills 2 of them to force a check, the unit is pretty much crippled anyway.


At this stage, I'd go for more bodies over upgrades.


Also, Ahriman is best when you have a unit that you want to infiltrate, which your army really doesn't. Unless you really want him in the army, consider swapping  him for a ML3 regular sorceror with familiar.

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