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Kantor's 'Hold the Line' applies only to Crimson Fists SV?


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I'm pretty sure the RAW answer here is no, but wanted to see how everyone felt about it. Using Kantor in an Imperial Fists detachment seems ok according to the rules for using said character in detachments of the specified Chapter, but his 'Hold the Line' special rule seems extremely specific to only apply to Crimson Fists sternguard vets which would mean that particular rule cant be used if you painted up Kantor in yellow and stuck him in with the Imperial Fists, right?

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Ok, I get it. Lysander would have to be a 'yellow' painted crimson fist in order to use Kantor's warlord trait. I'm still pissed off because I have every character from 5th painted as an Imperial Fist when you could use 'counts as'. I cant use them now. I'm very pissed off. GW certainly wont sell more models this way... 

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Yellow pained Crimsons Fists, using the Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics are Crimson Fists. msn-wink.gif

There's no dsitinction about what colour your minis are, just what Chapter Tactics you use.


What it means is, if you want to get all lawyery, if you take Pedro in an Imperial Fists detachment (Legal, even if painted blue and red), your sternguard are "Crimson Fists" (Legal, even if not painted blue and red).

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