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Honour Guard and Calgar


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If you take Calgar and a standard Chapter Master, do you have the option of four Honour Guard squads or only three?


The way that Calgar's Master of the Ultramarines rule is written seems to indicate it would override the allowance of the regular Chapter Master.

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It's three squads instead of one, as written.


If you meant for the entire army, then yes you could take five:


Primary Detachment: Calgar + 3

Primary Detachment: Chapter Master + 1

2nd/Allied Detachment: Chapter Master + 1

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Three, there's no debate about it:


"If your army includes Marneus Calgar, his detachment may include up to three Honour Guard units, rather than the usual one allowed for a Chapter Master".


Important parts have been bolded.


Should you then ally in another Chapter with a Chapter Master, you can then take another Honour Guard unit in that detachment, making it a grand total of four.


EDIT: Seahawk, the way it's worded would suggest that even if you take Calgar and another Chapter Master, you can still only take 3 Honour Guard units total, the wording saying that his detachment as a whole can only have up to 3 units.

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