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Iron Sons


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[This chapter was inspired by Bismark's Blood and Iron speech as well as the imagery of the late 19th century and very early 20th century.]


Iron Sons


It is unknown, but it is assumed to be an early founding due to their equipment and several traditions based around Mk6 armor and their own chapter legends. Based on existing evidence, the Iron Sons are assumed to be successor chapter of the Iron Hands. Their recruits are drawn from the hive world, Aglaea Prime. And the Iron Sons were founded to deal with the chaos after the Horus Heresy.


[i always like "unknown" as its lets you get away with a Second Founding chapter without being called on it. However, since there are now more Second Founding chapters than previously known, I guess this isn't such a big deal anymore. I feel that the early foundings should be reserved for us RT oldbies. ;) Moving on...]



Armor: Red armor with black accents and iron chest icons.


Symbol: Combination of the astronomical symbol for Terra inside a cogwheel. Both are black on a red background.






According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra. However, that was not to last long. Due to political conflicts with other space marine chapters , the Iron Sons along with several hundred thousand colonists traveled to and settled the world of Aglaea Prime. Their chapter name was then shortened to the Iron Sons. Aglaea Prime is one of seven planets in the XX system in the Segmentum Tempestus. While it is the only human habitable planet in the system, it is classified as a temperate deathworld.


Almost every humans on Aglaea Prime resides in one of several large hive cities which are islands of iron in a sea of green, but very dangerous, forests. In addition to its lush vegetation and biological resources, the planet possesses a wealth of mineral resources and was the main reason for original human settlement. However, each mine and expedition must be paid for in blood and iron from the forests and the forests are always quick to take back what is not defended. (Other planets in the system are also mineral rich and are mined in turn. They have their own risks mainly due to harmful atmospheres or no atmospheres at all.)


The hive cities are not safe shelters though. In addition to the dangers of gang warfare, industrial accidents, political unrest, etc. that hive cities of Aglaea Prime share with hive cities on other imperial worlds, the flora and fauna of death world always seek to breach openings in the lower levels of the cities. Not surprisingly, it is the lower classes that face the most risks from these incursions and often find themselves fighting for their lives. It is from these individuals that the Iron Sons draw their recruits as well as from the other ranks of society that take up the mantle to defend their cities.


Theatre of Operations

While the Iron Sons have a homeworld, they can be found almost anywhere in Segmentum Tempestus fighting xenos in which they specialize.


Hall of Warriors

Deep within their chapter monastery, there is a artifact called the Hall of Warriors that is rumored to be from the Dark Age of Technology. It is an artifact that the Iron Sons bought with them from Terra when the world was first settled. It is hall of containing almost two dozen thick walled pods. These pods are capable of rapidly neuro-training a person that is placed within one. Currently, the artifact is programmed to train subjects in military combat. Techmarines and techpriests from the Adeptus Mechanicus are no longer capable of changing its programming or copying the artifact. In fact, they can barely maintain the artifact as it is. In its current state, it either kills or mentally cripples 50% to 90% of the initiates that use it. Fortunately, the hive cities of Aglaea Prime provide them a large pool of new recruits.


While some viewed the artifact as technology akin to the Iron Men and that it should be destroyed, others viewed the virtual trainers within the artifact as the souls of eternal warriors who will train those that prove themselves worthy to them. The artifact is the most treasured object of the Iron Sons and they will go to any lengths to prevent any damage to it or to keep it from falling into the hands of anyone else.


While undergoing the trial within the hall, being addressed by the eternal warrior, Ree E'mey, is one of the greatest honors that a new initiates can experience. Training trials where no recruits die are very rare and are taken as good omens. To date, this has happened only twice in the chapter's history.


The few Initiates that survive the chamber, but are mentally crippled, are absorbed into the chapter as servitors. They are respected as those whose souls were captured by the artifact to serve the eternal warriors and the chapter for all time.


The artifact was a gift from the Adeptus Mechanicus back when the chapter was still being founded. It may have been a ploy by the techpriests to gain subtle control over a marine chapter. However that plan, like the artifact itself, did not quite work as intended. As noted, the artifact is incredibly dangerous and it operates on a rather small scale which makes it suitable for the post-Heresy Adeptus Astartes. The Adeptus Mechanicus felt it would be best used by the cooperative chapter of the Adeptus Astartes and the Iron Sons just happened to be suitable subjects at the right time in the right place. As the centuries have passed, it is quite likely that the Adeptus Mechanicus have long since forgotten about their gift.



While the Hall of Warriors can greatly accelerate combat training and is good for teaching core military concepts, it has its limits as some of the fighting styles are very archaic, e.g. fighting without body armor, using autoguns, etc.


As a result, Iron Sons do not use scout squads as the Hall of Warriors can train their recruits past that point. They do not see the point of training new marines in fighting styles they will just discard in the long run. Plus, losses among scout squads would just be too great especially when combined with the losses from the Hall of Warriors. The tenth company is still the initiate company but they are used for non-frontline duties. The lack of scouts can hamper them somewhat, but they tend to focus on missions where subtlety is not required.



Due to the Hall of Warriors and the act of genetic and surgical treatment to create a space marine, the Iron Sons consider this a "second" birth. The first birth was of blood; the second, of iron.


Due to close relationship to the Adeptus Mechanicus at their founding and possibly their descent from the Iron Hands, they have a fascination with technology and cybernetics, but not to the extent of the Iron Hands. They also do not share the Iron Fist's obsession over the death of their primarch. In fact there was once open conflict between the Iron Sons and their parent chapter when a Iron Son commander made a remark that had the primarch been thinking logically, he wouldn't have gotten himself killed.


Chapter brothers also tend to use very archaic terminology and phrases that they have picked up from the chamber. This neuro-training also reinforces a common set of beliefs and values that all members of the chapter share.


When an initiate enters the Chamber of Warriors, they prepare themselves to face the eternal warriors that dwell within the artifact. If the initiate is accepted, i.e. they survive the neuro-training process; they become chapter brothers at that point and begin the rest of their training with current equipment, armor and weapons used by the chapter.


Fighting Style

They focus on blitzkrieg style warfare. Their small numbers are a disadvantage in prolonged combat. And this is the style of combat that the ancient instructors from the Hall of Warriors have taught them.


Battle History
The Battle of Basham III which was one of their first battles that was almost a disaster. A rebellion had spread across four worlds in the Basham system and was threatening to spread to other systems. Four companies of the Iron Sons along with elements of an imperial army were sent to deal with the rebellion. Upon arrival in the system, one company of the Iron Sons was assigned to interdict all travel within the system as well to seize several orbital facilities. The remaining companies along with the imperial army were to land on the primary planet in the system to deal with the rebellion directly. Since it was almost impossible to tell loyalist from rebel, the Iron Sons force commander issued a planet wide order for all loyalist troops to defend themselves in place before crippling the planetary communication system. They then proceeded to land on the planet to track down the rebellion leadership. It was at this point that the operation turned into a disaster. Like other imperial army units, large numbers of the imperial army that landed with the Iron Sons joined the rebellion and turned on them which quickly put them on the defensive. Upon learning of the bad news, the sector government bickered at what to do next. However, before the sector government could reach a decision, the Iron Sons with assistance from their company that remained in orbit managed to regain the initiative, fight through their own forces that now stood with the rebels to face the leader of the rebellion that they brought to imperial justice. At this point the rest of the rebellion collapsed into disorder. The Iron Sons along with loyalist army forces routed and destroyed the remaining rebel units. The leader of the rebellion was later identified an an enigmatic figure called the Singing Witch was under enslaver control.


Codex Astartes
The Iron Sons have their own interpretation of the Codex and mixed reverence for Guilliman and his teachings. As a result, they are viewed with distrust by some chapters.


They do not follow the Codex Astartes when it comes to company colors. They simply designate company affiliation with company number on the right knee or shoulder pad.


It is unknown, but it is strongly assumed to be Iron Hands. Their geneseed currently has no mutations or defects.


Battle Cry
"Blood and Iron!"


Chapter Tactics

One of the reasons I am leaving their origins vague for the time being is that I really have not decided from what chapter they descended. It's a toss up between the Iron Hands, Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

Edited by zend0g
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Depending on what chapter I choose…


Imperial Fists

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus , there has been little contact between them and their parent chapter in Segmentum Solar.

2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.

4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.

5. Warfare: The Iron Sons were pretty much tossed right into conflict as soon as they were ready and as a result had more pressing things to worry about.

6. Imperial Fists: Successor chapters of Imperial Fists can vary considerably from the original chapter and the Iron Sons are no different.


Iron Hands

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus, there has been little contact between them and their parent chapter in Segmentum Obscurus.

2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.

4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.

5. Warfare: The Iron Sons were pretty much tossed right into conflict as soon as they were ready and as a result had more pressing things to worry about.

6. Logic: The Iron Sons have come to their own logical conclusions about the Iron Hands, their primarch and their history and this has created a gulf between them.


I haven't played WH40k since the RT and 2nd edition days, so once I get used to the new rules and codex, I will probably cement from what chapter they descended.

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I was only trying to prompt the creative juices, as this is the most common question fellow Liberites will ask (why?).  I response to your reasoning number two sticks out to me for both possible parent Chapters.  The first part is what happens with most Chapters.  They send Astartes to the Ad Mech for training and the Ad Mech sends them back (sometimes missing a few of the original pieces),  but the second part is the Ad Mech already has several Offical and unoffical Astarte defenders.  What does your Chapter offer?  Do they have rare raw materials, do they let the Ad Mech sneak peeks at their Artifact, or have they given up several of the planets in their home world's system to the Ad Mech.  Just food for thought.

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Hello, I'm going to give you a C&C in good ole' Liber manner, brace for inpact....




And the Iron Sons were founded to deal with the chaos after the Horus Heresy.

- The chaos after HH was The Scouring, which happened before the 2nd Founding.


According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra.

- The Chapters of 2nd Founding were created by splitting of original legions. No recruitment from Terra if you are IH successor.


Theatre of Operations

While the Iron Sons have a homeworld, they can be found almost anywhere in Segmentum Tempestus fighting xenos in which they specialize.

- SM specialize in fighting certain xeno races because a) they run into them too often b( they harbour special hatred towards the xenos for some past grievance, otherwise they don't care.



The tenth company is still the initiate company but they are used for non-frontline duties.

- Ahem, the standard method of deployment of scouts is behind the frontlines.



In fact there was once open conflict between the Iron Sons and their parent chapter when a Iron Son commander made a remark that had the primarch been thinking logically, he wouldn't have gotten himself killed.

- If the Iron Sons were thinking logically, they would not use device, which teaches them ancient, outdated tactics and kills their recruits indiscriminately. Hmmmm....:geek:


Codex Astartes
The Iron Sons have their own interpretation of the Codex and mixed reverence for Guilliman and his teachings. As a result, they are viewed with distrust by some chapters.

- Btw, the IH are organized in different manner than codex approved.





Depending on what chapter I choose…

Imperial Fists
1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus , there has been little contact between them and their parent
chapter in Segmentum Solar.

Iron Hands
1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus, there has been little contact between them and their parent
chapter in Segmentum Obscurus.

IF are fleet-based and thus they are not restricted to segmentum. In addition, Feast of Blades. It could work with IH.


2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

Iron Hands
2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

Doesn't really matter and as IH you are member of the club by default.


Depending on what chapter I choose…

Imperial Fists
3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.

Iron Hands
3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.

That could work.


Depending on what chapter I choose…

Imperial Fists
4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.

Iron Hands
4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.

That's fine except, human mind does that because there is usually not reliable account of what happened and (un)fortunately the SM Chapter has entire department whose role is to keep and store history. Yeah.:whistling:



~ NightrawenII

Edited by NightrawenII
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Hello, I'm going to give you a C&C in good ole' Liber manner, brace for inpact....




And the Iron Sons were founded to deal with the chaos after the Horus Heresy.

- The chaos after HH was The Scouring, which happened before the 2nd Founding.


I may be going off my memory from earlier editions. Noted.



According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra.

- The Chapters of 2nd Founding were created by splitting of original legions. No recruitment from Terra if you are IH successor.


I admit it gets kind of confusing as I originally wrote this for one originating chapter but then tried to tie it to two. If they are a IH successor, then the tech priests will create them from available gene seed and then float the idea to the rest of the High Lords that if the Imperial Fist are broken up, doesn't it make sense to have more than one chapter recruit from Terra (and keep the Iron Sons close to Adeptus Mechanicus)? However, the idea is quickly squashed and the Iron Sons only remember the incident as a distant legend.  


Theatre of Operations

While the Iron Sons have a homeworld, they can be found almost anywhere in Segmentum Tempestus fighting xenos in which they specialize.

- SM specialize in fighting certain xeno races because a) they run into them too often b( they harbour special hatred towards the xenos for some past grievance, otherwise they don't care.


This is just a tribute to all the games my friends and I played as kids were we had a lot of fun with the various xenos creatures. 



The tenth company is still the initiate company but they are used for non-frontline duties.

- Ahem, the standard method of deployment of scouts is behind the frontlines.


I thought the codex said otherwise. I thought it made them sound too much like special forces. 



In fact there was once open conflict between the Iron Sons and their parent chapter when a Iron Son commander made a remark that had the primarch been thinking logically, he wouldn't have gotten himself killed.

- If the Iron Sons were thinking logically, they would not use device, which teaches them ancient, outdated tactics and kills their recruits indiscriminately. Hmmmm....:geek:


Codex Astartes

The Iron Sons have their own interpretation of the Codex and mixed reverence for Guilliman and his teachings. As a result, they are viewed with distrust by some chapters.

- Btw, the IH are organized in different manner than codex approved.


True, I wanted to note that they vary as well. They did not get a lot of training from their originating chapter unlike many.





Depending on what chapter I choose…


Imperial Fists

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus , there has been little contact between them and their parent

chapter in Segmentum Solar.

Iron Hands

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus, there has been little contact between them and their parent

chapter in Segmentum Obscurus.

IF are fleet-based and thus they are not restricted to segmentum. In addition, Feast of Blades. It could work with IH.


I wanted to keep the distance to reinforce the idea that they are an obscure chapter.




2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.


Iron Hands

2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

Doesn't really matter and as IH you are member of the club by default.


Just like a teenaged kid, I want my own room! But seriously, I wanted to keep them from being an IF or IH clone.



Depending on what chapter I choose…


Imperial Fists

3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.


Iron Hands

3. The Artifact: The Hall of Warriors does imprint to varying degrees its own set of values onto any subjects that use it.


That could work.


Depending on what chapter I choose…


Imperial Fists

4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.


Iron Hands

4. Time: As the centuries passed, the Iron Sons came to create their own legends about their past and to fill in the gaps. It's just something that the human mind does.

That's fine except, human mind does that because there is usually not reliable account of what happened and (un)fortunately the SM Chapter has entire department whose role is to keep and store history. Yeah.:whistling:



~ NightrawenII


Considering the number of unknown founding and unknown parent chapters (pretty important pieces of data), I am assuming that the Iron Sons are doing a better job than some.


Well I have been experimenting with different paint schemes as I like the original red and black idea with its ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus, but the temptation of painting them steel colors tugs at me something fierce. So I decided to do both and tie it into their history. Originally, they were to be red and black. But it was decided to send them to Aglaea and their name was shortened and their color scheme was changed to steel and black. However, the first company has preserved a number of suits of armor from that time and wear them with the original red and black colors intact. Plus, this helps me keep track of the veteran sergeants and veteran squads more easily.      


I have also redone their chapter symbol to be a little different as I don't think the astronomical symbol for Earth and their history won't be self-evident. It also looked a little too think on the marine here. It is a black skull on a field of red (or grey) with a black mechanical halo (rather than the traditional disk). This is to represent the ascension of man through technology.

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According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra.

- The Chapters of 2nd Founding were created by splitting of original legions. No recruitment from Terra if you are IH successor.


I admit it gets kind of confusing as I originally wrote this for one originating chapter but then tried to tie it to two. If they are a IH successor, then the tech priests will create them from available gene seed and then float the idea to the rest of the High Lords that if the Imperial Fist are broken up, doesn't it make sense to have more than one chapter recruit from Terra (and keep the Iron Sons close to Adeptus Mechanicus)? However, the idea is quickly squashed and the Iron Sons only remember the incident as a distant legend.

Eh, you are missing my point. If your chapter is IH successor and 2nd Founding, then there will be no founding nor recruitment on Terra.





The tenth company is still the initiate company but they are used for non-frontline duties.

- Ahem, the standard method of deployment of scouts is behind the frontlines.


I thought the codex said otherwise. I thought it made them sound too much like special forces.

The scouts are guerilla fighters used for sabotage, assassination, recon or capture of prisoners for interrogation. Also, SM are imaginative, just look at Ravenwing or Wolf Scouts.





In fact there was once open conflict between the Iron Sons and their parent chapter when a Iron Son commander made a remark that had the primarch been thinking logically, he wouldn't have gotten himself killed.

- If the Iron Sons were thinking logically, they would not use device, which teaches them ancient, outdated tactics and kills their recruits indiscriminately. Hmmmm....:geek:


Codex Astartes

The Iron Sons have their own interpretation of the Codex and mixed reverence for Guilliman and his teachings. As a result, they are viewed with distrust by some chapters.

- Btw, the IH are organized in different manner than codex approved.


True, I wanted to note that they vary as well. They did not get a lot of training from their originating chapter unlike many.

Hmm, if you want to go 2nd Founding Chapter, then you don't need any - they are GC, HH and Scouring veterans. If you go later Founding - Why not? The training cadre is the only one who can teach them SM job.






Depending on what chapter I choose…


Imperial Fists

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus , there has been little contact between them and their parent

chapter in Segmentum Solar.

Iron Hands

1. Distance: With the Iron Sons being dispatched to Aglaea in Segmentum Tempestus, there has been little contact between them and their parent

chapter in Segmentum Obscurus.

IF are fleet-based and thus they are not restricted to segmentum. In addition, Feast of Blades. It could work with IH.


I wanted to keep the distance to reinforce the idea that they are an obscure chapter.

Well, it depends what do you call obscure Chapter. Both IH and DA are obscure gene-lines....







2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.


Iron Hands

2. Adeptus Mechanicus: Through the Administratum, the techpriests encourage the cadet marines to return to their parent chapter after their initial training. They also applied their own training to seed bonds of layalty between the Iron Sons and themsevles.

Doesn't really matter and as IH you are member of the club by default.


Just like a teenaged kid, I want my own room! But seriously, I wanted to keep them from being an IF or IH clone.

But you didn't build a one!:pirate:   You see, what makes your Chapter special is the ancient training device, the rest is sort of usual or not very original. The thing is, Phalanx is not what makes Imperial Fists interesting - it is their personality, behaviour and culture. There isn't much of that in your article.



Cheers, NightrawenII.

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NightrawenII, on 17 Sept 2013 - 01:33, said:

zend0g, on 16 Sept 2013 - 21:43, said:

NightrawenII, on 16 Sept 2013 - 00:48, said:


According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra.[/size]

- The Chapters of 2nd Founding were created by splitting of original legions. No recruitment from Terra if you are IH successor.





Actually it is possible for a Grand Company of Iron Hands to be composed of all Terrans. These would have been the first recruits of the Legion before Ferrus Manus was found. The Company this Chapter was formed from could have maintained their Terran origins throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy (though that is very unlikely, especially after Istvaan) and that's how they had an unofficial nickname. Even if it was a 3rd Founding, this Chapter could have had the Veterans from said Company being their Training Cadre and so the original Chapter Master could have called them thus.


Though, Imperial Fists have had first rights to Terran recruitment since they were named the Praetorian Legion

Edited by Kristoff
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I was also thinking that in addition to the large marine legions that needed division there was must have been an equally large amount of (loyalist) geneseed from before war used to build those legions and geneseed from marines that died during the war.  But that may be a 2nd Founding vs 3rd Founding divide.


You comment may me think. Maybe they could have been created using some geneseed of the Grand Company of Iron Hands which might explain why they would think of themselves as Terrans.

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Actually it is possible for a Grand Company of Iron Hands to be composed of all Terrans. These would have been the first recruits of the Legion before Ferrus Manus was found. The Company this Chapter was formed from could have maintained their Terran origins throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy (though that is very unlikely, especially after Istvaan) and that's how they had an unofficial nickname. Even if it was a 3rd Founding, this Chapter could have had the Veterans from said Company being their Training Cadre and so the original Chapter Master could have called them thus.

Yeah, I did consider this scenario. However, after the GC the Terrans would be either dead or veterans and as we know the veterans were killed on Istvaan to a man. So, I don't think this is viable solution.

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Actually it is possible for a Grand Company of Iron Hands to be composed of all Terrans. These would have been the first recruits of the Legion before Ferrus Manus was found. The Company this Chapter was formed from could have maintained their Terran origins throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy (though that is very unlikely, especially after Istvaan) and that's how they had an unofficial nickname. Even if it was a 3rd Founding, this Chapter could have had the Veterans from said Company being their Training Cadre and so the original Chapter Master could have called them thus.

Yeah, I did consider this scenario. However, after the GC the Terrans would be either dead or veterans and as we know the veterans were killed on Istvaan to a man. So, I don't think this is viable solution.


Well there was conflict before the HH so there is the likelihood that some geneseed would have been recovered already and waiting to be used. Since the post-HH are only a thousand marines, you might not need all that much geneseed compare to what might be in stock already.

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NightrawenII, on 17 Sept 2013 - 01:33, said:

zend0g, on 16 Sept 2013 - 21:43, said:

NightrawenII, on 16 Sept 2013 - 00:48, said:


According to their own chapter legends, their original chapter name was the Iron Sons of Terra and their initial recruitment was taken from Terra.[/size]

- The Chapters of 2nd Founding were created by splitting of original legions. No recruitment from Terra if you are IH successor.



Actually it is possible for a Grand Company of Iron Hands to be composed of all Terrans. These would have been the first recruits of the Legion before Ferrus Manus was found. The Company this Chapter was formed from could have maintained their Terran origins throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy (though that is very unlikely, especially after Istvaan) and that's how they had an unofficial nickname. Even if it was a 3rd Founding, this Chapter could have had the Veterans from said Company being their Training Cadre and so the original Chapter Master could have called them thus.


Though, Imperial Fists have had first rights to Terran recruitment since they were named the Praetorian Legion


Actually the timeline I was thinking is this:




The Hall of Warriors artifact discovered on Earth

The Hall of Warriors artifact shipped to Mars for analysis


A techpriest unlocks the artifact




2nd Founding


The earlier techpriest suddenly thinks about what to about the huge geneseed stocks.

He along with a group of fellow techpriests propose to the rest of the order to make new chapters completely from geneseed.

(Iron Sons pass this down as a creed that they were the fallen given a chance to be born again by the Emperor.)  

The project is covered under the existing 2nd Founding directive, but the project isn't well documented.

The techpriest plans to use the Hall of Warriors artifact to tie these new chapters closely to the Adeptus Mechanicus.

First chapter, the Iron Sons, is created and quickly builds to roughly three hundred marines.

The Iron Sons are heavily influenced by the Hall of Warriors and the Cult Mechanicus. 

The techpriest in his hubris proposes to the Adeptus Administratum that if the Imperial Fists are to be divided, then new chapters should be assigned to guard Terra that the Adeptus Mechanicus will provide.

Needless to say, there is a unanimous rejection of the proposal.

Other members of Adeptus Administratum see the naked power play for what it is.

Assassins quickly kill the techpriest's team but only kill the techpriest after he has embedded a part of himself into the Hall of Warriors.

The Iron Sons are ordered to remain in their barracks.

Since the Iron Sons cannot use Terra for a homeworld and they are valuable enough not to be destroyed, they are deployed to the deathworld, Aglaea, as it has mineral wealth that the Imperium can use. 

The Adeptus Mechanicus uses this exile to prove that they washing their hands of the Iron Sons debacle. 

The Iron Sons retain their first set of 300 suits of red power armor while their remaining power armor suits are bare metal.    

The Iron Sons succeed in defending the colonization effort and in time grow to 1000 marines. 

The first company (and veteran sergeants and officers of the rest of the chapter) have the honor of using the red armor even if they don't realize why there was a difference originally.

Revered vehicles and dreadnoughts are also sometimes painted red as well.

The original techpriest will appear as a shadowy priest to recruits being tested by artifact that he figures have the ability to become techpriests and will direct (and perhaps compel) them to become one.

The original techpriest will sometimes also appear as a shadowy priest to techpriests that are trying to commune with the artifact so that he can continue to direct the Iron Sons to some degree or another.  


So, if their (Iron Sons) history is true, then they fall at the tail end of the Second Founding. However, due to politics involved, it is no surprise that a lot of documentation about their chapter was destroyed which throws them into the "Unknown Founding" group.

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@post #15


IMHO, it's too complicated. Moreover, what do want to achieve with this? All things mentioned in IA should have major/minor impact on the chapter, otherwise it's pointless and redundant.


Also, don't forget what time it was - the time of division of power to prevent another Horus Heresy. Doing this right under nose of HLoT and Guilleman is not exactly good plan.



Ugh, metallic colors have to be worst colors to try to blow through an airbrush. I think I will go back to an all red chapter.

In all honesty, your colour scheme looks like yet another successor of Blood Angels.

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@post #15


IMHO, it's too complicated. Moreover, what do want to achieve with this? All things mentioned in IA should have major/minor impact on the chapter, otherwise it's pointless and redundant.


Also, don't forget what time it was - the time of division of power to prevent another Horus Heresy. Doing this right under nose of HLoT and Guilleman is not exactly good plan.



Ugh, metallic colors have to be worst colors to try to blow through an airbrush. I think I will go back to an all red chapter.

In all honesty, your colour scheme looks like yet another successor of Blood Angels.


Well the same could be said for just about every primary and secondary color.

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Actually it is possible for a Grand Company of Iron Hands to be composed of all Terrans. These would have been the first recruits of the Legion before Ferrus Manus was found. The Company this Chapter was formed from could have maintained their Terran origins throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy (though that is very unlikely, especially after Istvaan) and that's how they had an unofficial nickname. Even if it was a 3rd Founding, this Chapter could have had the Veterans from said Company being their Training Cadre and so the original Chapter Master could have called them thus.

Yeah, I did consider this scenario. However, after the GC the Terrans would be either dead or veterans and as we know the veterans were killed on Istvaan to a man. So, I don't think this is viable solution.



Not necessarily. Yes, they would have all been Veterans, but that doesn't mean they were all with Ferrus and thus at Istvaan. There were still quite a few Companies separate from the Ferrus' fleet with the experience needed to operate independantly. Any one of these could qualify. Also keep in mind that the Primarchs liked to mostly keep the Marines from their 'homeworld' with them, which would leave the Terran companies more independent.
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