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Orbital Bombardment from within a Land Raider?


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I am wondering if this is legal providing the CM has some form of relentless? I assume that the lack of fire points might make this impossible, however the rulebook doesn't seem to clarify the effects of indirect fire from within a vehicle. Thanks.

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You cannot fire any weapons from inside a vehicle with no fire points. BRB page 78: Fire Points.

"A single passenger can fire out of each fire point"

- no fire point = no passengers may fire.


An orbital bombardment counts as firing a ranged weapon. Codex SM page 79: Orbital Bombardment.

"This counts as firing a ranged weapon"

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My thoughts exactly... I'm thinking the only effective way to run him is on a bike then. It's a shame because I really wanted to run a raider and 2 vindicators for large blast craziness on turn 2. Ah well!

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I would say yes, you can fire from within the vehicle.


  • Barrage allows you to fire without LOS. 
  • Counts as Firing a ranged weapon only means you cannot assault in the following assault phase and cannot run.  Barrage overrules the requirement for LOS.
  • Ordnance prevents you from moving.  So like you said, you would still have to have a Relentless Chapter Master.
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I would say yes, you can fire from within the vehicle.

  • Barrage allows you to fire without LOS. 
  • Counts as Firing a ranged weapon only means you cannot assault in the following assault phase and cannot run.  Barrage overrules the requirement for LOS.
  • Ordnance prevents you from moving.  So like you said, you would still have to have a Relentless Chapter Master.



"Unless specified differently in the vehicle's entry, a single passenger can fire out of each Fire Point and the other transported models cannot fire.", BRB, pg.78, Fire Points


So a Land Raider has zero (0) Fire Points, therefore zero (0) transported passengers can fire out of the vehicle and all others may not. Including your Chapter Master.

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How about:


Have the Chapter Master deploy in the Raider

He disembarks turn 1 and moves forward 6"

The Raider then moves around and in front of him 12" screening him from the enemy

He uses the orbital bombardment which doesn't require LoS

The Raider uses PotMS to shoot 1 weapon at full BS, the rest snap shoot (a Crusader with a Multi-melta might be the best option here)


At this point there is a big Land Raider completely obscuring the Chapter Master from the enemies return fire.


In turn 2 he can then re-embark and the Raider can move off


In turn 3 he can disembark and go after a (weakened) enemy unit.

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How about:


Have the Chapter Master deploy in the Raider

He disembarks turn 1 and moves forward 6"

The Raider then moves around and in front of him 12" screening him from the enemy

He uses the orbital bombardment which doesn't require LoS

The Raider uses PotMS to shoot 1 weapon at full BS, the rest snap shoot (a Crusader with a Multi-melta might be the best option here)


At this point there is a big Land Raider completely obscuring the Chapter Master from the enemies return fire.


In turn 2 he can then re-embark and the Raider can move off


In turn 3 he can disembark and go after a (weakened) enemy unit.

I though embarking/disembarking limited the vehicle to 6" if movement and no Flat Out? Haven't got my rulebook at hand, so I can only go off my memory here. Because if I'm wrong, my Dark Eldar just got a new toy.

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If you disembark before the vehicle has moved (as detailed in m'plan) , it is unrestricted.


If the vehicle moves first then you cannot embark or disembark if that move exceeded 6".

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I though embarking/disembarking limited the vehicle to 6" if movement and no Flat Out? Haven't got my rulebook at hand, so I can only go off my memory here. Because if I'm wrong, my Dark Eldar just got a new toy.


Not quite. A unit cannot disembark if the vehicle has moved more than 6", and the unit cannot embark or disembark part way through the vehicle's movement (pages 78-79). If the unit embarks before the vehicle has moved the vehicle cannot tank shock or ram, but otherwise moves normally.


Edit after Dam13n posted: There is no restriction on how fast a vehicle moves before a unit embarks.


Edit for anecdotal evidence: I once had a unit of terminators get out of the same land raider three times in one game, shooting and charging an enemy unit each time. I had to read those pages very closely to catch those White Scars!

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