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Codex Space Marines: A Chaos Perspective


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There is nothing in the chaos codex that can beat an IH chapter master on a bike with 2+/3++ and a power fist or thunder hammer in a challenge. He could single-handedly soak up your entire army's firepower for a single turn and most likely survive. It would take an average of 27 BS4 lascannons fired at him to knock him out in a single turn.


Non- Iron Hands chapter masters are a bit more fragile, but still can go toe-to-toe with anyone bar abaddon.


A white-scars chapter master is going to be impossible to tarpit, because he will be on a bike and will have hit-and-run.


The only place safe from these guys is in reserves or in the air. The one good thing is that the chapter master will probably not have many attacks, so getting him in with a gaggle of fearless cultists or zombies would be great. Even a standard fearless MEQ squad would do the trick for a couple of turns. If you block his path and tarpit him, you could neutralize him pretty well.

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