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1550pts Thousand Sons List - need help reaching 1750pts


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Sorc Lord, D Aura, MK Tz
6 TS, 1 Sorc with M.bombs, Rhino
7 TS, 1 Sorc with M.bombs, Rhino
7 TS, 1 Sorc with M.bombs, Rhino
2 Oblits, MK N
2 Oblits, MK N
Aegis Defence Line (to hide everything behind if I don't get 1st turn, or to place further up field to drive to if 25% obscured)
10 cultists
comms relay for Aegis
7 TS, 1 Sorc, Rhino

The biggest problem my army had at a recent tournament was that it got totally BEASTED until my reserves arrived.
I was using a friend's list which wasn't as good, which had more Thousand Sons in the squads and 2 helldrakes, 2 oblit squads and a Hellbrute instead of a Maulerfiend.

So one of these lists has the cultists with the comms to make sure my 4 reserve units arrive turn 2.
The other list is just a Rhino load more Thousand Sons, which were amazing last weekend. So having 4 squads of 8 rapid firing with AP3 bolters would be wonderful.

I don't think I really needed the 2nd Heldrake anyway. It just felt like overkill and seemed to spend its time struggling for viable targets...
Let me know your thoughts...
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Maybe instead of the 2nd heldrakes add an obliterator to each of the squads. Now you'd have 30 points remaining. Drop the aura of dark glory. Now you have 45 points. You could take a Sigil of corruption on the sorceror for a 3++. Than id dump the rest of the points into the cultists squad to make them a little more beefy


And of course the comma relay

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I hope the sorcerer is lvl 3, otherwise get him there at once!


The second drake is not that needed, and the third TS squad (and definitely a fourth) is a bit too much imho. Id switch it out with some cultists...and then ally with daemons! Divination is a powerful tool, and you can get some quick and deadly units there too...


What is the Aegis for if you are not taking the comms or cannon (your main troops have 4++ anyway after they get out of their rhinos, which they should be doing by turn 2 or so)? Comms for one unit is not that effective either.

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1st off well done, playing 1k sons takes.....well it takes something. If your tryin to do a outflank surprise i have ap3 bolters in yer face turn 2+ list then i can say that you will need one thing...Ahrimahn. Now before you go nutz with things liek say he overcosted (as much as a land raider) hear me out. Big Ah brings a lot to the table. He make your sons core, brings some infiltration goodness (this i think is pretty darn cool for the sons in rhinos 24" threat range from the sides). also he can pew pew like no other psyker and is a fearless sorc (i realize he may be primarily with the sons, BUT this means he can also babysit cultists without worry. Biomanc-ed Ahrimahn is also pretty beastly. Combine this with a Tz deamon detatchment for Divination goodness!!

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Tz deamons have access to divination (the herald or LoC) which is the best thing ever that can happen to the 1k Sons. re-roll hits, ignore cover, yes plz. the thing about agis is that for the points you could near upgrade to Ahrimahn thus ensuring the ability to outflank 1-3 of those 1k son squads (no need for cover when they are in reserve)

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