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Perturabo's Daemonhood


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Since the fluff tends to be written from the view of the Imperium, and the Imperium wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a daemon primarch and one that rolls out to war wearing the craziest warp tech based armor and weapons that a primarch's mind can create over the course of ten millenium, it wouldn't be an impossible retcon to pull off.


There is the minor issue that the 40k setting does need the traitor primarchs to not really do anything, because otherwise you end up with Abaddon no longer being the big bad, and questions end up being raised as to how the Imperium could manage to hold the Cadian gate if there were daemon primarchs joining the party.  Having everyone become daemons solves that bit by drawing them into the Gods' plans, which are quite different than what Abaddon is up to.

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I don't believe the Perturabo would follow any god willingly. But the gods are all about damnation, about losing ones soul, and at the the point the heresy series is at Perturabo is well on his way to being claimed by Nurgle (I hate to say).


In the usual type of things, mortals have to gain the attention and favour of the gods, but Primarch's don't need to, they are a species unto themselves, there are only 19, and each one can change the galaxy, so they are already watched closely and coveted. For that reason the primarchs don't need to win a gods favour, they can just be watched and claimed, one moment of weakness and they are dammed forever. Perturabo is in a state of constant despair, he is falling into complete nihilism, when Horus treachery against Perturabo is revealed you really think it's not going to send him over a chasm? That will be the crucible, realizing what's happened. He'll either be reinvigorated, being finally "set free" of all bonds (which in his mind is what has kept him shackled all these years) like how the Iron Warriors themselves have been put across as, or he will fall into complete despair complete madness, and the gods will claim him then either Nurgle or all. In that moment, will be his new oath, to the dark gods, and his will is iron.


Regarding the 400 Geneseed, it's not about the numbers, its about ritual significance with such things. That's why rituals are done with sacred numbers rather than "lots". Pain, suffering, despair, rage, hope, anguish - that's what is the real meat for a godly feast, not just death. Think about it, Typhus and Khârn have probably reaped more lives than any others that don't have an explanation, and they are not Daemon Princes, which has no explanation as to why not. 

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1) there is a difference between daemon prince and daemon primarch. when even the first champion (belakor) may ascend without pledging service to one aprticular god like the lesser princes, one can safely assume these godlike beings follow their own rules.


2) Perturabo is reported to have invoked powers of nurgle (400M32 perturabo's plague), enslaved a greater daemon of khorne (the heart of blood on medrengaard) and frequently used khornate forces (kroeger, berzerkers, barban falk's vision of a skull rune). he displayed disgust when confromted with slaaneshi perversions of the  3rd legion (Angel Exterminatus) and doesn't seem to be deluded by tzeentchian hopes ("reality never matches my dreams").


3) The obliterator virus first appeared within the IW legion as did khornate warmachines (dies irae).

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I don't believe the Perturabo would follow any god willingly. But the gods are all about damnation, about losing ones soul, and at the the point the heresy series is at Perturabo is well on his way to being claimed by Nurgle (I hate to say).


In the usual type of things, mortals have to gain the attention and favour of the gods, but Primarch's don't need to, they are a species unto themselves, there are only 19, and each one can change the galaxy, so they are already watched closely and coveted. For that reason the primarchs don't need to win a gods favour, they can just be watched and claimed, one moment of weakness and they are dammed forever. Perturabo is in a state of constant despair, he is falling into complete nihilism, when Horus treachery against Perturabo is revealed you really think it's not going to send him over a chasm? That will be the crucible, realizing what's happened. He'll either be reinvigorated, being finally "set free" of all bonds (which in his mind is what has kept him shackled all these years) like how the Iron Warriors themselves have been put across as, or he will fall into complete despair complete madness, and the gods will claim him then either Nurgle or all. In that moment, will be his new oath, to the dark gods, and his will is iron.


Regarding the 400 Geneseed, it's not about the numbers, its about ritual significance with such things. That's why rituals are done with sacred numbers rather than "lots". Pain, suffering, despair, rage, hope, anguish - that's what is the real meat for a godly feast, not just death. Think about it, Typhus and Khârn have probably reaped more lives than any others that don't have an explanation, and they are not Daemon Princes, which has no explanation as to why not.

Angron didn't follow a god willingly, but look where he wound up.
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