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Hey hey hey,


I've been in the hobby ever since the very late '90s, so I've seen the dark days before Y2K and all that :P Started with Space Marines (duh...) and then branched out to different armies and FB as well. Space Marines have always held a special place in my heart though, as despite what people say about the army, they are still the stereotype super soldiers defending humanity that we've all seen in science fiction movies :)


Currently I'm finishing my master's degree, so time to paint and game is a bit tight right now, but I do try to get some painting done every week. I've found that keeping around ten models on the desk with the necessary couple of colours for the next stages as well as brushes is a quick way to get models painted up. Just adding one or two colours during study breaks gets things going :D


So the breakdown of armies and their sizes:


Blood Angels ~12000pts

Dark Angels ~8000pts

Space Wolves ~5000pts

Raven Guard ~3000pts

Ultramarines ~1500pts

Imperial Fists / Crimson Fists ~1500pts

Black Templars ~750pts

White Scars ~1000pts

Iron Hands ~750pts

Salamanders ~750pts

Grey Knights  ~2000pts

Imperial Guard ~4000pts

Tyranids ~4000pts

Tau ~4000pts

Chaos Daemons ~1500pts

Night Lords (with allied Plague Marines etc) ~5000pts

Dark Eldar ~2500pts

Eldar ~1000pts

Orks ~500pts

Necrons ~3000pts



Vampire Counts ~8000pts

Skaven ~8000pts

High Elves ~6000pts

Dark Elves ~4000pts

Empire ~8000pts

Beastmen ~1000pts

Warriors of Chaos ~2000pts

Daemons of Chaos ~500pts

Goblins (no Orcs :P ) ~750pts


So quite a number of models. And before anyone asks the question: No, they're not all painted up yet... I'm quite quick at assembling the models and then finding a new interest, either assembling another army, or painting models. If I had to guess, I'd say roughly half of all the models are painted, with the emphasis being on power armoured models, so Space Marines or Chaos Space Marines :D On the FB side, the largest painted armies I've got are Empire and Vampires. Currently I'm in a Raven Guard kick, so black armoured models coming along...


- Loran



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And with some more time on my hands, I thought I'd expand the earlier introduction post a bit by using the intro guide from ATT. So here goes:

Real first name:

Age and gender:
27, male
Production engineering student
How did you get into wargaming?
A friend introduced me way back in the wild days of the last millennium. Had a quick game with only about 20 models on the table, and I was hooked.
How did you get into Space Marines?
The first army I ever tried out, when I played for the first time at a friend's house. That got me hooked to the game and the army choice was quite straight forward. After that I've expanded into other armies, but the Space Marines do hold a special place in my heart smile.png
What would be your second piece of advice (after "read the freakin' rules") to a new Space Marine player?
Choose a play-style that suits you, be it assault, fire-base, mechanized etc...
What is your Space Marine colour scheme?
I'm a sucker for fluff and theme, so I've got forces for all the Loyalist First Founding Legions/Chapters, but the largest is Blood Angels.
How did you find this site, and how long have you been a member?
I've heard of the site before and have occasionally popped in to check it out, but only joined a couple of days ago.
What are the origins of your B&C username?
I've used Loran for a long time now as a username pretty much everywhere, ever since the mid 1990's. Had something to do with Star Wars smile.png
Have you reviewed the B&C Member Primers?
Where and how often do you usually play?
I try to get a couple of games a month as I've got a really busy schedule at uni right now. I usually play at either my own apartment or at the opponent's place. We've got quite a relaxed gaming group, and we do a lot of other stuff as well, so we're all good mates with each other. Makes gaming easier as you know the other guy quite well and as every one has numerous armies, it doesn't get boring!
Do you have any other armies, for 40K or another system?
Yes and yes. My main army for 40k is Blood Angels, but I've got sizeable armies for every 40k codex that there is, apart from Sisters of Battle (only got a few models for that army). And got quite a few themed Space Marine armies, and I do mean themed. I don't think I'd take that many of the armies I've amassed to a tournament if I really wanted to win biggrin.png
Also got quite a few Fantasy armies. And a very small Lord of the Rings force.
What is your favourite and least favourite army to play against?
Imperial Guard. One of my regular opponents has a huge Imperial Guard army, and we have great games but the amount of firepower the army can dish out is terrifying. But still, love to play against the army smile.png
What is your best and worst 40K moment?
Worst moments are usually when someone has the "Winning is the main thing, having fun is not." While I've not played that kind of people, I have seen games where one of the players is a hygenic cleanser. I understand that tournaments require you to win etc, but in the end we're playing around with small toy soldiers, which should be fun tongue.png
Best moment was when I was playing a very hardcore tournament player, but one that regularly gets the best possible sportsmanship points. We had a game, and he pointed out I had forgotten to charge with my Death Company. The game ended with the DC having won the day for me, and most likely they would have been shot to bits had I not charged, so him pointing that out meant we both had a great game, even if he lost smile.png
What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your 'funny toys'?
"Boys will be boys and they need their hobbies" or something similar is what the gf has said quite a few times. She understands that I love the games, but is not into the hobby herself biggrin.png
What are some of you other interests?
Martial arts, wall climbing, tennis and ice hockey.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, one snake and the gf has a dog. As we live together, I get to take care of the dog as well tongue.png
What is your favourite band?
Iron Maiden
- Loran
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