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Pre Heresy Iron Warriors Question


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Hey there guys, I'm having a hard time finding a decent solid reference for pre heresy Iron Warriors scheme.


So far, it appears the only difference (besides the chaos iconography etc.) between pre/post heresy Iron Warriors, is that the shoulder pad is the same colour as the armour and not black? What do you think?



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Could've sworn I posted here yesterday....anyhooo,

Here's a pic of the poster from BL HH Weekender a little while back.


From what I"ve seen artwork-wise, the hazard stripes individually applied, like WS clan markings, or SW talismans, and there's not a uniform place for them to belong. As for models, I've seen uite a few excellent IW models with none at all and still be distinctly IW.



BTW, love this project. I intend on the same thing, only I'll be doing Honour Guards to go with FW Primarch models, Palatine Guard for Fulgrim, Morlocks for Ferrus etc.



this is what i ended up with




i was more questioning the black background on the shoulder pad, as on older set work/ white dwarf articles etc, the shoulder pad is silver, as is the chapter symbol.


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