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Iron Warriors Horus Hersey Novel: Tallern: Executioner


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I see that there is a new Horus Heresy book coming out for Iron Warriors, Tallern: Executioner.  I noticed though that it will only be on sale for 7 days as a limited edition.  Does anyone know if they ever release these limited edition books as regular releases at regular prices?  Its a story I would like to have for Iron Warriors background. 


Is anyone else excited for this book as well?



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to be honest, at £30 no. i'd rather buy some models or a codex, or a couple of other books set in the 40k universe. i get its limited edition and probably has great artwork, but as someone who has multiple lists of priorities, i am not excited at all. the only thing that would draw me to it is the fact its Iron Warriors history, but the price put me right off it.  

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I like the idea of a big tank battle involving the Iron Warriors.


The small excerpt about the Iron Warriors fleet breaking from the warp was kind of wonky.


The method of selling the book is completely off-putting.Their limited and premium schemes leave a bad taste in my mouth, and the more they do stuff like this the more easily I find myself accepting that there are 40k books that I'm probably never going to read even if I'd have liked to.

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