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Terra sends its regards, Brothers!

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Hi everyone! I'm Toothbrush of Terra, and a recent convert to the Space Marine fold. I've been out of the hobby for several years, following along with Black Library and other fluff sources, pretty much just staying a fluffy bunny but not actually getting my hands dirty until now. But hey, I've been lurking here for a while so I'm not coming in a total young pup! Anyway as I'm sure is the case for many new members around this time, I'm not particularly special in that the new Codex: Space Marines has provided me with the impetus to jump on board and finally get some troops under my command. Imperial Fists are my chosen poison, and the yellow is a little intimidating, but I'm willing to be patient to figure things out.


Well anyway, that's enough about me for now. Let's get down and dirty for the sons of Dorn, shall we?

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