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Psychic Hood question


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In our previous Codex, the Librarian page gave full instructions as to how to use a Psychic Hood: range to enemy psyker, Leadership +D6 comparisons etc.


In our new Codex we are told to simply refer to the rulebook for "How to use your Hood" instructions. I know this is probably a very simple question but does this now mean that the distance to the enemy psyker is totally irrelevant now? Also, the roll to Deny the Witch is purely now dependent on the Mastery Level of the psykers involved, and if a psyker isn't close enough to the targeted unit then the Psychic Hood is useless unless of course he himself is the target?


I'm sure I must have missed something, hence my coming to the boards for your help.



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Thank you both for your help verifying this for me. It looks as though the intention has been to strengthen the power of the Librarian in casting as opposed to the old way of "undoing". At the very least it makes us look at the deployment and usage of the Librarian to get the best out of him.


Long may the current rules remain in situ for Rune Priests!!



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