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Facing Blood angels, any advice?

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So I have a game next wednesday against  a Blood angle player, and I've never faced them with my Thousand sons before, so any advice? the game will be either 1000 or 1500pts, in either case I am thinking of possibly using Ahriman instead of a Lvl 3 with Mot, Familar and sigil

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Well, I have this thing right now about allying in daemons. At 1500p, 20 horrors and a lvl 3 herald with the book is quite nice. Depending on what happens, I can give my oblits, the heldrake or the horrors themselves a 3++ save...or if I get a certain divination spell they can get 2++! :) The horrors have 4d6 S6 shooting, and remember that there is actually a toughness test before they get FnP! Together with a biomancy sorcerer that test might be on T3! ;) Also, vehicles don't get FnP, but S6 is very dangerous against them!


What anti-air will be able to gun down the heldrake when it has a 2++ save? :D

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Must admit, I don't use daemon allies, if the codex was cheaper (I have a lord of change and some horrors) but the actual codex is too expensive.
The list I'm thinking of running is this
Sorcerer Ashurnarsibal with level 3, MOT, Familiar and Sigil of Corruption 165pts

Thousand son squad Ptolemy:5 extra rubrics and melta bombs 270pts

Chaos marine Squad Epirus: 5 extra marines, plasma gun, autocannon, VOTLW, combi plasma, melta bombs and lightning claw on the champion 205pts

Chaos predator with lascannon sponsons 115pts

Chaos Predator with lascannon sponsons 115pts

Chaos Vindicator with combi bolter and warpflame gargoyles 130pts

For 1500, add:

Thousand son Squad Belshazzar: 5 extra rubrics with melta bombs 270pts

Dreadnought Amhose-Shalamanzar with plasma cannon 110pts
Leaves me with 120pts to spend not sure what on, was thinking a defence line posibly, or upgrading the sorcerer to Ahriman, or even a cheap level 3 sorcerer and VOTLW for both of them. Would need to buy a defence line, really need to get some cultists as well. Possibly a rhino for the chaos marines with havok launchers and extra rubrics?

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I find cultists genereally good in a Thousand Sons army, because our main troop choice is rather expensive. Cultists gives us either a cheap 10-man throwaway unit that can also hold objectives in a pinch, or a larger, semi-cheap unit that will be hard to kill all of. I prefer small 10-man squads with flamers myself. At 55 points they are cheap and can serve a multitude of battlefield purposes...and can be unproportionally effective at times! (my favorite was when I had a squad of 10 with a flamer and pistols kill off two terminators from belials retinue, lol)


I would try and have a drake in that list of yours at 1500 points, it really adds so much to our army, though I really really hate that it is so! The CSM squad would do better with 2 plasma guns imho, with that they would be just like how I run mine nowadays, hehe, 2x plas, LC, vets, bomb...



I know it's strange to buy an extra codex, but it really really gives us sooo many more options! Need a MC? The LoC to your rescue! Need cheap and fancy magic? A Herald of Tzeentch to your rescue! Screamers aren't as hot or auto-include as they used to be, but they are still very decent! You can even give your herald a disc and make them have 3++ with the book...

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Will think about getting the codex, Helldrake is rather expensive so will have to weight, plus my GW is closed till wednesday so would not be able to write the list. I really need to make some cultists. 

Is there nothing to do except allies or the copy and paste heldrake+cultists?
If I took the defence line it would have one of the cannons, and would be home to the chaos marines.

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DP, mark of Tzeentch, Mace of Death will pretty much kill most things.


BA have little anti air other than Ravens, forts and allies.


Strategy depend entirely on what your opponent brings: Jumpy list, deepstrikey, mechanised, dread bash, 3xRavens


Whether Mephiston is present also changes things a lot.

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Well the CSM strategy when facing the Blood Angels is quite simple. Stop them with your cultists and than shoot them up with your marines. The problem is that a wise player would fly over your cultists and assault your Thousand Sons which cannot Overwatch and are overall a slow unit. I think that your list is solid and if you add a Daemon Prince it would get even better. The problem though is that your vehicles would not last long since BA ASM usually pack Melta Guns, and your Cultists will be torn to pieces by the Baals. Well you can always spam Psychic Shriek with your Sorcerers. 

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No idea, I have not played him in a few years. For 1500pts I'm taking what I posted with an Aegis defence line with quad gun for the chaos marines to man around an objective, the idea being it gives me some anti air, and if he has no air units, it could be painful for deepstriking units and gives the squad some extra anti air.

The defence line could also protect my predators.

With the 20pts I'll either take an extra chaos marine and VOTLW on the sorcerer just to fit/plus give him hatred, or possibly give him and someone else boon of mutation?
I'm not sure on the melta bombs, may drop them on the chaos marine squad, not sure who to give them to. 

My HQ sorcerer has a force axe, he will go with an asp. sorcerer with either a sword or a mace, whilst the other squad has a force axe.

May try and do a battle report.

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