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Which magnet size?


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Since slowly I am getting legion models, they ain't exactly cheap so to make most of them, I have decided to use magnets where I can so that I can swap heavy/special weapons when needed.

Which magnet size do would be good for:


1.  Think about putting them on hand of space marine and where handle of plasmagun/flamer/meltagun... would be so that I can swap special weapons when needed.


2. For heavy weapons, so they can mount ML/lascannon on shoulder


3. on the bottom of shoulder part for contemptor  dreadnaught so that I can swap weapons on him when needed



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1. The best place to magnetize would be the wrists with 2mmx1mm magnets.

2 & 3. I use 3mmx1mm magnets.


The lager number is the diameter of the magnets, if youd like a stronger connection, a deeper magnet will provide more strenght.




Remember that the grade of the magnet is almost as important as the size - an n50 of a smaller size will give you as strong a bond as a larger n40 would. Be sure you know what strength of magnet you're buying before you order them. If possible, I recommend n50 for everything, but they're more expensive and tend to be harder to find in the sizes you want, so mid-to-high 40s is a good compromise.


I've had a lot of success magnetizing weapons to hands just using 1mm x 1mm magnets, one in each nand and two in the gun (I drill right through the palm of the supporting hand, use that hole to make sure the magnet hole is in the right place on the weapon's foregrip, then once the magnet's in the hand I smooth the hole over with GS) but you can definitely fit a 2mm diameter magnet into the trigger hand of a space marine if you're careful.


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