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First-time glazing--what to do?


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I'm painting my first few BA squads, and it's reached the point that I've got an unopened jar of Bloodletter glaze in front of me.  Unfortunately, I've got a few elementary concerns with its use:

  • Do you just apply it everywhere that's red, or only to prominent, highlighted areas?
  • Should you avoid getting it in the darker, washed-in crevices?
  • Should it be thinned, or treated more like a wash and applied undiluted?
  • One coat?  Two?  More?

Such a tiny jar; so many questions.

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Just try — see how it comes out, and if you don't like it, try something different. You don't have anything to lose other than perhaps having to repaint a model.

Appreciate it very much; and if I have to, that's what I'll do.  Was just wondering if anyone else had already experimented with glazes, and come to any conclusions about those questions.

My experience:


The consistency is really similar to Washes, and I haven't had any issues using it straight out of the pot. Your mileage may vary there.


You can pretty much slather it over entire areas.


Stick to thinner coats at first. Far easier to build up gradually.

You'll definitely want to thin the glaze before you apply it all over the area you've painted. If you use, say, red over red then you'll help blend any layers and create a different tone. If you were to use a yellow glaze over the same red it would create a more vibrant, brilliant red. I actually use the red glaze for armor and then the blue one to line for definition.


If you use the glaze straight out of the pot the effect can be quite drastic. I recommend thinning and building up layers, allow sufficient drying times between coats, and stopping when you're happy with the result.


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