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Storm Bolters for characters.


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Hey all. I apologize if this is alredy answered. I'm looking to give 2 of my DA vet sgts storm bolters, but the extra storm bolters from the terminator box hands are too big. Is there anywhere else to get storm bolters with the correct sized hands apart from the captain box? Take care.
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The Space Marine Commander kit also has a stormbolter, and they are usually cheap enough to buy on their own - many EBay / Webstore bits sellers will have the item for faaar less than the cost of buying a whole kit - something like two dollars plus shipping.! ;)

There's also the option of making an 'over under' storm bolter using standard bolters...


Hmm, that reminds me:


Forgeworld do some terminator weapon kits that could work well, as they have only a small part of the hand on them (and the hands are also a little smaller than the plastic Termie ones I think).


Two Tartaros sets here and here, and two Cataphractii sets here and here. They are £12 plus shipping for each set, but you do get five of them plus whatever other weapons come in the chosen set.

The old metal captain has one if he comes up on eBay.  The old Rogue Trader Terminators had small enough arms that they would work as well.




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