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Thunderfire Counts As


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So... Since it's been suggested a couple of times in this thread now, it there a reason why you wouldn't consider the Mantic Forgefathers Jotum Hailstorm Cannon? It pretty much ticks all the boxes, and looks pretty modifiable form the sprue pix I've seen online.


If you just want some tank tracks to use as a platform, you'd be best just going to your local hobby shop an buying a Russian or WW2 Italian tank kit on the cheap (literally a few dollars...) to cannibalise.

If you remove the blast shield the Mantic dwarf cannon should look like a really good TFC. It's really hard to find images of it without the shield though.


Hmm, found these if they are any good:







I also found to helpful scaling shots:








During my searches, it seems that a number of SM players *do* actually use these as TFC already! :D

No idea, I haven't asked teehee.gif I just want to avoid the problem altogether if I can.

The Mantic gun certainly is a lot cheaper than a thunderfire, though...even after you account for plucking an old school Terminator off ebay.

Wish I could see how the tracks measure up beside a Stalker's cannons. I don't care much for the guns on the Mantic version.

Don't give me any grief on this, LOL.  But if your main problem is finding the treads to use with the stalker guns then I suggest looking for odd items with treads like say  Wall-E toys.


These may work just perfectly for what your looking for then use some creativity to fit them with the stalker cannons.  Kinda wish I had thought of this before buying 2 TFC.

Dunno why everyone seems to go with that style of tread, the perfectly upright triangle shape I mean.  I quite like the low to the ground treads on the stock Thunderfire.


Actually the Thunderfire is a beautiful model over all, there are just too many issues involved with it...mostly money :P


And I'm sorry, but those are just ugly as sin Venemox :teehee:  The guns themselves look fine, but that puny little body and the comical shovel on the fronts...*shudder*



Hmm.  Anyone got any idea how big these http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROBOGEAR-BITS-TORNADO-SMALL-TANK-TREAD-/360723726265?pt=Games_US&hash=item53fccf3fb9  or these http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROBOGEAR-BITS-HELIX-TRI-WHEEL-TANK-TREAD-/331019253046?pt=Games_US&hash=item4d1248f536 are?


Oh, that second one could work:



I think you can use third-party stuff in a GW store, but it has to be well-disguised and/or not form the visual majority of the final model. Asking the guys in the GW store is not the best thing to do either, unless you know them well, as they will likely err unnecessarily on the side of "no".


The important part (IMO) is to ensure that you convert it, and that it can be seen to have been integrated into your army. Changing the barrel muzzles, replacing the rear section where the gunner sits, changing the ammo hoppers, modifying the front shield, and adding suitable chapter iconography will all go a long way towards this.


As long as it "looks" Space Marine, it shouldn't be an issue; if somebody asks you about it, you can just say it was bashed from a cheap kit you found online (which is true). Virtually nobody will be a big enough jerk to deny you the use of a nicely converted model, but they might well do if they think you're just using another company's proxy made straight from the box.


For anyone who was wondering about the scale of the thing to a Rhino, here's another handy pic:




Note that in this picture, I think the back of the gun has been modified with some SM control gubbins.

Hmm.  Anyone got any idea how big these http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROBOGEAR-BITS-TORNADO-SMALL-TANK-TREAD-/360723726265?pt=Games_US&hash=item53fccf3fb9  or these http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROBOGEAR-BITS-HELIX-TRI-WHEEL-TANK-TREAD-/331019253046?pt=Games_US&hash=item4d1248f536 are?


Oh, that second one could work:




That is one of the Robogear vehicles I was talking about. ;)

Will those robogear treads fit on the Thunderfire's base? I dunno how big it is.

If I do go with that, the main issue will then become how to make the central platform. I don't think the lil car thingy would look good. I've seen some people doing 'scratch' builds of it and using the razorback top plate to more or less make the chassis.

I'm really out of my element with all of this, anyway. I'm a seasoned kitbasher, but building things from the ground up isn't something I've done before smile.png


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