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New pinned topic for Chaos forum


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I wanted to let everyone know that I've created a new topic here



This topic will be used to house all of our complaints and issues with the Chaos Codex.
New supplements that are released can be discussed outside of this thread as long as they do not devolve into whine-fests.  


I am making this thread to attempt to contain the negative attitude that is permeating the Chaos forums. This is not meant to limit your ability to express your opinions or concerns but it is intended to keep topics on track and constructive.


If you have any questions or concerns, please notify me in this topic or PM me and I will do my best to resolve them.



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The problem why so many rants befall on the many topics is the following. Usually the person comes to this section in search for advice about a specific CSM unit or an army theme that could or should work. The problem as follows is that even if you provide advice it is blatantly clear that this unit or most probably this army will be lacking in performance, sure one can be objective but a hobby is far from an objective thing, especially 40k which is a very very subjective topic and many people have deep feelings for their armies and the established background. If things devolve into rants and do so very often, as this topic or the linked one are clear indicators of that, it is only because no matter how much good will one is willing to pour into the Chaos Space Marines more often than not the book betrays you and your faith put in it. I admit, I generate many rants on my own but this is because I am a comparative person by heart, a logical being who evaluates everything and tests everything before a single word is put into a context, well it is clear that I am a soon to be lawyer msn-wink.gif

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