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Alpha legion supplement january?


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I can agree with the idea of alpha legion not worshiping any of the gods, but using plague, rubricae, noise, and zerks can work in other ways.

Alpha legionaries would leave vicious murders to get their point across would draw the attention of khorne making him favor them (marking them).

Legionaries would spread lies *ahem* to disrupt the flow of enemy intell would draw tzeentch's notice.

So on and so on. You get the idea I postulate. Using fluff can easily allow for anything. It just takes a liberal bending of the rules that would make Alpharius weep a tear of joy and pride in your direction.

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From AL Index Astartes about tactics which AL employs:


     ...sponsorship and supply of heretical cultist groups and alliance with anti-Imperial millitary forces including other Traitor Legions and aliens...


And on the related note excerpt from IA about NL (which are often said to be "chaos purists"):

    ...are exceptionally versatile in their use of forces of Chaos employing the hell-sapwned powersof each of major Chaos deities with equal favor. It is just as likely that the Night Lords will be seen figting alongside a group of foul Plague Marines as it is the warriors of Thousand Sons...

Sometimes people want to be even more "fluffier" than Index Astartes itself. 

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The "puritan" comes from the next sentence that says:

However, it has been ascertained that the Night Lords have nothing but scorn for faith in all its forms, whether it be the fanatical bloodlust of teh Khorne Berserkers or the devotion of the Imperial Creed. The only authority they recognize is that of temporal power and material wealth.

Combined with

The gene-seed of the Night Lords is surprisingly pure. In fact, of all the Chaos Space Marine Legions, the Night Lords seem to have the least evidence of mutation. This is perhaps due to stable gene-seed stock, perhaps due to the fact that they rarely associate themselves with a particular Chaos power for any length of time.

And then we get several examples of Night Lords who revel in their mutations and/or associate themselves with a specific Chaos power until the day they die. Or ascend, as was the case with Krieg Acerbus.


Not to mention the infamous 4th and 6th Edition blurbs that Night Lords have all mutated to have warp lightning. So... yeah.


But agreed. Some grab onto a specific piece of the fluff and then hold it as a standard for all people who follow the same faction.


Alpha Legion is said to use their mutations as terror tools in combat, usually passing themselves as normal marines and then revealing the mutations to disrupt the enemy in combat. I just don't remember if this is in the IA or the 3e codex.


It was the IA article.

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There's nothing unfluffy on a chaosy NL army - an army, on the table, is saw on a single battle, it doesn't mean that they are in communion with those chaos forces for a longer time than needed for that single battle or campaign. In the same vein, if you have a heavily mutated NL army, it doesn't mean that all NLs are like that, it can be something particular to that warband or warlord.

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I have nothing against AL or NL armies that include cult troops like DG or Berzerkers. AS said, they both have been known to cooperate with forces from other legions on many occasions. But this was about a supplement for the AL, and what I am worried about is that we will get 'Alpha Legion Plague Marines' and 'Alpha Legion Berzerkers', or the always funny one "Alpha Legion Thousand Sons", not to mention how well "Alpha Legion Noise Marines' fit the m.o. of this sneakiest of legions.

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I don't see why Alpha Legion couldn't include marked and/or cult forces in their warbands. If not as permanent members then as temporary allies...



Alpha Legion dislikes sending in their own valuable resources when it's much more effective to hire some mercenaries (Alpha Legionnaires themselves aren't mercenaries, they go with the plan...whatever that is :P ). Hire a passing Thousand Sons warband with the lure of mystical tomes and artifacts in the enemy's possession, or a Khornate warband with the lure off mass slaughter and skulls in the millions! Need an agri-world destroyed so the well-guarded fortress planet nearby starves and gets ripe for rebellion? Send in papa nurgles favorite marines and watch the plants wither and die! The boys in pink are running out of slaves? Buy their alegiance with selling them an (un)willing cult or two...you got plenty to spare and the unwashed masses needed culling anyway...


After a while of joining teams, an alliance might form between the two forces as well. A shaky one sure, because who would trust the Alpha Legion with anything with their reputation? What can be trusted is the fact that if the Alpha Legion warband keep their promises (serisously, why would an Alpha Legion warband need millions of skulls?) they won't be as much allies as "employers", paying a fee (skulls) for a service (slaughter)...

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Not necessarily. Khorne always wants blood, so you point him towards, etc etc.

Yes , but if you marked you know he will notice , but lose control . An un marked dude can do the same and khorn can give him nothing , it is not like he didn't already get what he wanted.

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