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Sons of Horus 2250


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OK, I have been flip flopping on Legions so I am back to SoH, plus this is a quiet board so I thought I would post something. This is the current list I am working on. I will post my concerns later towards the end.

Primary 1

Praetor- Iron Halo, paragon blade, (dont remember if I gave him digi weapons or an archeotech pistol or anything else)

Rites of War- orbital assault

Tactical squad- x10 melta bombs, Drop pod

Tactical Squad-x10 melta bombs, drop pod


Support Squad- Plasma guns x4, plasma pistol, drop pod

Support Squad- Flamers x4, drop pod

Support Squad- Melta guns x4, melta bomb, drop pod


Primary detachment #2

Primus Medicae- jump pack, power weapon, art armor, melta bombs

Moritat- jump pack, two plasma pistols, art armor, melta bombs


Destroyers- x10, jump packs, 2 missile launchers, melta bombs on sgt, one phosphex bomb

Assault Squad x15 2 hand flamers, power weapon and melta bombs on sgt

Assault Squad x15 2 hand flamers, twin lightning claws and melta bombs on sgt


The question is where do I stick the Praetor? Note that I fight 40k armies almost exclusively as no one local has a heresy army. Now the melta support squad comes in exactly at 200 points, a command squad in drop pod with all five guys also comes in at exactly 200 points. Which would be preferable? The melta squad is all around useful for high armor badguys which there will be even more of shortly with nids coming out soon. I could probably figure out a way to throw in another plasma squad instead of the melta squad if I wanted. The command squad has that nice fearless bubble though and a pair of nice models from FW.


For 2500 i would be adding vexillas to every squad and melta bombs to all the assault squads and some more phosphex bombs. Any remaining points would bulk up the support squads numbers.

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Can this idea, I just read the rules for Night Lords and figured they can pretty much do what I wanted my Sons list to do and do it with a single detachment. I will wait a month or so for the Terror squad rules to come out. Just when I think I have everything all planned out.....

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