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Erebus and Kor Phaeron vid

Kol Saresk

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Erebus just blew me away, I really want that model! Kor Phaeron, well... it is a nice model, and I understand what he was after when sculpting, but it feels like he spent all his inspiration on Erebus and was sort of drained when sculpting Kor Phaeron. Standing them next to each other just makes it more obvious.


Still, I'm really happy that we are finally getting some WB special characters, even if they are coming out of FW (and not even made for 40k).

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There seems to be a pattern of the main characters appearing in pairs for display reasons (apart from Angron).

Lokken Abbadon, Erebus Kor Phaeron and propably Fulgirm with Ferrus


Wonder if Corax will be displayed with Konrad or Lorgar...


Awesome stuff once more from FW cant wait for NL chars

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Look nice. Especially KP's talons. The pair of them still aren't chaosy enough for me to be tempted to get them for a 40k army, but as 30k models they look very nice. I think I actually prefer the Kor Phaeron model to the Erebus. The latter reminds me a bit too much of the current apostle model, which I really dislike.
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This is going to cause me some kind of 30k/40k identity crisis with my word bearers. The details on Erebus are crazy and seeing him painted really drives that home.


I love Kor's lightning claws, like everyone else. I like the rest of the mini, too. Can't help thinkingthose claws must have made it really awkward to operate the controls when he turned Calth's weapon platforms against the sun, though. Maybe they fold back.

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There seems to be a pattern of the main characters appearing in pairs for display reasons (apart from Angron).

Lokken Abbadon, Erebus Kor Phaeron and propably Fulgirm with Ferrus


Wonder if Corax will be displayed with Konrad or Lorgar...


Awesome stuff once more from FW cant wait for NL chars


I believe they said in the first Heresy video oh so long ago that all the character series models are meant to look as if they are part of a large diorama.  The Primarchs are single (but do interact with others) while the named characters are all going to be doubles.  

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I wonder who Sevatar is going to be with since the models are all going to be based on characters present in both the BL and FW novels.....


Hmm so far, I dont think there is anything that could be a precedent. I was thinking the Raven Guard, but he's not really a 'name', the DA where not there...really Sev's inclusion in the book is a bit awkward without any kind of additional context no?

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If these are supposed to represent Kor Phaeton and Erebus as still outwardly loyal as portrayed in The First Heretic then why is Erebus painted in the crimson of the Gal Vorbak? The legion-wide switch surely came after the dropsite massacres? Also was it common practise for chaplains to wear black prior to the Codex Astartes? Either way i'm looking forward to seeing alternative colour schemes and can see the potential of these figures as a base for 40k versions.
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The Gal Vorbak are red and black.


After the Dropsite Massacre came the switch to the 40K scheme. And we don't know what color armor the Chaplains wore. We do know that sometime after Monarchia but before the existence of the Gal Vorbak, the Chaplains started to wear black. But the only thing we know is that before Monarchia, whatever color armor they wore was gold-trimmed and that the entire armor was greyed by the ashes of Monarchia. It's all in The First Heretic and is further detailed in a topic in the HH forum. I'll try to fin a link to it.

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I think found the thread, starts off about world eaters right? So we know the word bearers wore granite coloured armour and that xaphen's was described as rare and gold trimmed. As the ash fell on monarchia his armour resembled that of his brothers possibly meaning that the gold trim was covered, possibly more. Following monarchia some word bearers chaplains painted their armour black as memory of the shame. When the gal vorbak termed from their pilgrimage they wore crimson, (with black?). Erebus was not a member of the gal vorbak AMD was on the other side of the galaxy at the time, still begs the question why is an outwardly loyal Erebus red?


Edit for further thoughts.


If the chaplains wore red before monarchia I can see Erebus not painting it black, however since the chaplains would have been the leaders in the worship of the emperor why would the gal vorbak - exposed to the truth as they were choose this Colour to repaint their armour?

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So, how do we trick ADB to explain what colour Xaphen's armour was?


Incidentally I've not read many Horus heresy novels, but I gather that both erebus and kor phaeron feature in plenty of them, are there descriptions of their armour in any of the other books?

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Hmm, there aren't many. After Istvaan V, the Legion goes to solid red and there are a few appearances after that. When we first see Kor Phaeron in Battle for the Abyss, he is already wearing the red armor. In False Gods, Erebus is wearing grey armor, but I believe that he may have been wearing red armor in Galaxy in Flames, but a few things from that book have subtly been rewritten since then.
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Ahh, and the rules for two include:

Harbinger of Chaos - If this character is your warlord, you may take an allied detachment from Codex: Chaos Daemons :-D


Two of my absolute favourite characters, can't wait to get them. Erebus is a stunning miniature and Kor Phaeron looks exactly like he is supposed to; an old man, trying to emulate that which he disdains - his brother astartes. That and those claws look freakin' awesome :-D one thing I will say is I preferred the WiP hea...but perhaps there are two heads, one to show Kor pre-Istvaan V, and the WiP one to show him after they declare their allegiance to Chaos. Who knows.

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The wip head was amazing, full of spite and bitterness. Looked almost exactly like how I pictured Kor when I first read about him. This one... well, this one is supremely disappointing. Looks like someone took an ageing member of the british monarchy and stuffed him in uncomfortable armour filled with centipedes. The malice is gone, the bitterness is gone, he just looks old and deflated and his overall expression says "why is this happening to me. why centipedes"

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