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Colors of the Sons still honoring Magnus.


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Chaos Child, a old Black Library novel had it as blue, as a note, they weren't Rubrics, still Magnus' Thousand Sons.


Ahriman Exile had Rubrics red until Ahriman repainted them


Visions of Heresy had Thousand Son armour morphing from Red > Blue



Because of these three conflicting sources, I would dare say they all converted to Blue at different stages. Some had their armour in a partial state during the Scouring, post Scouring, Ahriman finished the conversion of his colours, and Magnus thought it'd be fun to mess with Ahriman by making his soldiers blue as well.


Another thing that got me thinking was in regards to Chaos Child, this was back in the days of pre-Rubric (as in before GW decided the Thousand Sons were sand in armour) so the Thousand Sons in it were mutant marine masses, but I would view them more as later recruits to Magnus' forces.

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Visions of Heresy also showed Ahriman with Horus before the attack on Terra, and he was blue plus loyal to Magnus.


I prefer Ahriman: Exile for my fluff-guide, but it's safe to say that there is enough inconsistency going around to allow for a "Whatever you want it to be" sort of attitude..

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The blue for Librarians didn't come in until later, I believe.


In the Thousand Sons, at least, most of their squad leaders were psykers, they didn't have a Librariam as such as the Occults, which were specialised sorcerer groups that then split up into the standard squads (except the scarab occult, who were like a modern chapter's First Comany) - The Thousand Sons were pretty much a Codex Chapter when they were a Legion, lol, except for the Sorcerer Sergeants.


In Ahriman: Exile, however, Ahriman wasn't even wearing his own Thousand Son armour when he marched against Amon - he was wearing generic armour scavenged from here there and everywhere. The colour of it was never stated that I remember, but he didn't take good care of it.

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