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UK Xereus Purple is it anything like UK Liche Purple?


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I'm thinking about coming back to the modelling and painting side of the hobby, but I've only just yesterday realized that GW killed their old range. Now I hear that some of their new range is equivalent to some of the old range.


Problem is the Liche Purple seemed to be different depending upon which side of the pond you were on, for example:


The UK version was like: THIS


The US version seemed to be more like: THIS


The version I used for my Falcon Knights was the UK version. So the issue is that I don't know whether:


1. So called Liche Purple equivalent Xereus Purple is based on the UK or US one.

2. Whether there is an UK and US difference in Xereus Purple.


A Falcon Knight using the UK Liche purple hex coding:



Example of a Falcon Knight painted in the US Liche purple (too much ugly blue in that purple):


TBH, I don't put much stock in the GW equivalent paint thing much any more. The only one I've found that actually is almost completely equivalent is Bleached Bone = Ushabti Bone.


If you want to see some (faint) use of Xereus Purple, take a look at the line highlights on my Extinction Angel Chosen here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/224143-hybreon-iv-stoneburners-extinction-angels-ea-chosen/?p=3418285


The purple is done with Naggaroth Night, Druchii Violet washed into the recesses, cleaned up with Naggaroth Night, and then line highlighted with Xereus Purple.


I know that isn't much help, but it's all I've got. :(

That model that you say is "U.S Liche purple" looks like it's a purple wash over a dark metallic silver. Xerius purple will look good, but you have to base it with Naggoroth Night and it will equate to about where liche purple was. For a look at how I did it Check out these DE



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