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Old noise marines with guitars


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I have 10 of the old Noise Marine models with guitars (you remember, the original ones?)


I've been trying to find out what a good price for them is - I don't play Chaos. I can't find any on eBay  (or anywhere else for that matter). Does anyone have any idea what a reasonable price is? I have someone offering to buy them from me and while I don't want to rip him off, I don't know the guy and would hate to find out later that I'd been had :-)





(apologies if this is the wrong place to post this - wasn't sure where to put it)

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It depends on the model. the actual guitar ones can go for around $25 to $45. the other kind that is more recent (2nd edition era) can go from $30 to even $60 on ebay! talk about bang for your buck! Now, how many people spend that kind of money on one model? I don't know and thats usually if they are still new in blister. I see painted 6 man squads of either version or mixed/assorted going for about $20-$30 though.

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I recently purchased a squad of 10 of them (containing at least 2 of each sculpt) off ebay in mint condition for under $45 including shipping.  However I have seen them go for more and for less.  Depends on the day and who really wants them.


IMHO people are asking way too much for the metal minis in general. 

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