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A new recruit

{BH}Snake Eyes

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Hi to all.


I have been a long standing member on a couple of forums, but have only recently heard about Bolther and Chainsword. After finally hearing about the site I have just found out I am a bit behind as some of my friends are already lurking around the place in one form or another.


Warhammer 40k has been apart of my life for a long time now and has always held my interests. The different aspects of the hobby combined with gaming and the rich background has the right balance to keep me hooked. I generally play within a gaming group and within a couple of local gaming clubs in my local area. My gaming group is generally more competitive than the majority of other groups I have met, and we go to a lot of local (and a few national) tournaments.


I have been playing Chaos Space Marines since 3rd edition, and for the first time within my hobby I am working on creating my own loyalist Space Marine Chapter with the new book. Hopefully I can find some people to give me some good feedback on background, and the modeling/painting aspects of my new Chapter along with the army lists that I am working on.


Hopefully I will be able to provide some insight and help to others as well.


If you have managed to read the above drivel, thank you, and you know a little bit about me!

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We welvome you Brother, B&C is a positive and helpful forum, we have all kinds of people, xenos and celeberties here. All from hardcore gamers to only lore people like me (for now at least)


Death to the false Emperor!

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Well thank you for the replies and taking the time to read my drivel of an introduction. I like the Avatar Qarassen. I have just finised the book Ahriman: Exiled yesterday myself and very much enjoyed it.

Yeah, it was a good one indeed, 

Amon thougt he was so powerful (and was portrayed as such),

and then Ahriman just destroyed him ;P


just hope for another one now :)

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