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Cult units on a Word Bearers army

Verythrax Draconis

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I'm considering two approaches:


- paint regular units as normal WB CSMs, and cult units in cult colors, while keeping the WB look (Slaanesh in purple, Nurgle in rotten green and so on, but all with WB iconography scrolls and scripts);


- paint everybody as regular WB CSMs, but using the god iconography and unit look (WB painted Plague Marines by FW, Slaanesh WB CSMs with the icon and noise weapons, and so on)


I would like to know if you guys have/know painted examples of both these ideas, so I can have a better idea on how it would look on the table.

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I thought of doing a small WB force a while back and came up with a fluffy enough idea that I liked:


Basically the idea is related to that of Space Marines in loyalist chapters going through different training in all of the squads available (I.e. Scouts, Devastators, Assault Marines, then Tactical Marines) before being considered a full-fledged Battle Brother.


In the Word Bearers, before you can become a Coryphaus or Dark Apostle, or really any rank of note, you must first learn the secrets and gain blessings from all of the gods, called the Four Trials. Marines taking part if the Four Trials wil be banded together until the point at which they are blessed by that god. Some of these trials will see the Word Bearer taint weaponry to a specific gods' delight, and as such cannot be used in another Trial, and will instead be gifted to another aspirant on the Four Trials.


Marines in these Trial-Squads will bear the normal Legion-Armour, but will paint the right shoulderpad in the colour of that god.

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