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Chaos legions


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I know,  isn't it ? they know they want a mecha focused edition , can't keep the too efficient 4th ed nid choices , so the codex gets remade even , when players would change the new dex for the old one in a heart beat. Ward said it himself that they had problems with balancing tyranids MC and made them weaker[compering to for example chaos sm DPs] to avoid problems . The same happened here , the whole demonic[as marines demonic not demonic demonic] , 10k years veterans that can do anything and saw anything vs balance against other meq armies etc. I understand why they had to do the chaos dex the way they did [being saying that since 5th ed that the new dex will be gav dex 2.1] , but they could have done stuff withing the codex and within the limitations of design they put up themselfs. For example , I think we all agree that with all the tables in both the csm and demon dex the random factor is an important  one [for the DT , not the players] for chaos  design.  So with the new chosen models[we want to sell more new models] and new talons/raptors , why weren't those given more random rules. Some sort of vet table to roll for veterans . Scater re-roll for raptors . If I had made the helldrake I would make it str 6 ap4 rending and the gun version assault 2d6 str 7 ap 4. Imagine how that would change the unit , those pages long talks about runing helldraks and in what set ups we would have . helldrake worse , but not auto include . dakka helldrake viable etc. IMO from the design point of view , the ball was drop . But no in the "didn't give use 3.5 part II codex" style , but within the limitations that GW itself used for its other codex.

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