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Ruins and Leaping Down


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Character on the roof of a 3-story building wants to get down quickly and somewhat safer. It is standing 2" from the edge of the floor.


Can I:


- Take a Difficult Terrain test to go down a floor, then Leap Down to the ground floor? Thereby failing on a 1-3 instead of 1-4 like some crazy ninja hamster.



"A unit...can always elect to Leap Down to a lower level, rather than making a Difficult Terrain test." (BRB, p.99)






When Leaping Down, can the model start at any position on the floor of a building/ruin and launch himself off any other side?




12"x12" wide ruin/building floor. I start on the bottom right corner. Can I leap off the top left corner, giving me a total move of 19.97+" (12" square has a 16.97" diagonal, minus 1" for the base, add 3" for the Leaping Down rule, plus whatever vertical, plus whatever extra length for base)?


"A unit can always elect to leap down..."


"To resolve this, choose one model from the battlements (ruins) and place it anywhere wholly within 3" of the base of the building that is at least 1" away from enemy models, and not in impassable or lethal terrain." (BRB, p95)



Basically, a model on a higher level is always allowed to Leap Down, provided it's not pinned or fleeing. To leap down, you take the model and place it anywhere within 3" of the base of the building, with no other limitations on movement. 

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I don't see why not. 


One could translate the example to a model is standing in the middle of a roof 6" in width, he moves the 3" to get to the edge then jumps down.


What your proposing is climbing down 3" instead of walking across 3" before taking the plunge.  I can't see an issue.

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The stickiest part of the first issue (DT then jumping) is that the rules for Leaping, in the Ruins section, say that you do it "rather than making a Difficult Terrain test". That sounds like you can only do one or the other, where then I realized the big problem with that, which is issue number two and getting a two-foot+ move with infantry. 

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