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Fort ADL, WS as allies, LS Storm, teleport homers,...


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Hello guys. As a SM newbie I have several questions, where I would appreciate explanation:


  1. Aegis Defence Line fortification. Can be there deployed only 1 unit? May I deploy at the begginig of  game there 2 combat squaded (5 man) Devastator squads or only one squad?
  2. If I take White scars as allied detachment and  its HQ is Captain on a bike, how many bike squads can I legaly take? Trait Mounted assault enables to take (at least) 5-bike (bike) squads as a troop choice instead of a fast. Can I take 2 bike squads as troops and 1 bike squad as fast or less than that? Can one bike in these bike squads be an attack bike?
  3. If a unit has Scout rule, may this rule (ie scout redeployment) be used even after this unit comes from reserve (incl. outlank and deep strike)?
  4. Can a scout sergeant with teleport homer use it while embarked on LS Storm or must it be placed on board? How much scatter friendly deep striking units in proximity of LS Storm (jamming beacon), if there is friendly teleport homer in the same time?
  5. Do teleport homers in Raven wing bikes work (Dark angels as an allied detachment) also for Terminators from other chapters (for example Ultramarines as a primary detachment) or only for DA Terminators?

Thanks for your feedback

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1 - it's battlefield debris, any number of units may be behind it so long as there is room.


2 - you could take 2 as troops (so long as they are 5+ in size) and 1 as fast attack. You could also take a command squad on bikes as well.


3 - scout only happens after deployment. It allows outflanking when arriving from reserve. So no you don't get a free double move when arriving from reserve.


4 - this has been discussed in the official rules forum before - no consensus was forthcoming.


5 - it's friendly units in terminator armour arriving via deep strike, so yes.

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