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Facebook page for Chaos letter Campaign


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So I decided that if anyone who's not pleased with the current state of our emasculated codex would like to get onboard with this or even anyone that just feels like engaging the notion I've made a facebook group so we can think tank our ideas and how to go about making a collaborative effort.


If you think it's not going to work that's entirely understandable, if you have criticisms throw them my way too. I've wrote GW many emails and 3 physical letters and have never received a response but I figure with volume and a clear message it can work.




The group, I hope the link works because it's the only one I can copy.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged
Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged

So I decided that if anyone who's not pleased with the current state
of our emasculated codex would like to get onboard with this or even
anyone that just feels like engaging the notion I've made a facebook
group so we can think tank our ideas and how to go about making a
collaborative effort.


If you think it's not going to work that's entirely understandable,
if you have criticisms throw them my way too. I've wrote GW many emails
and 3 physical letters and have never received a response but I figure
with volume and a clear message it can work.




The group, I hope the link works because it's the only one I can copy.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged
Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged

So I decided that if anyone who's not pleased with the current state
of our emasculated codex would like to get onboard with this or even
anyone that just feels like engaging the notion I've made a facebook
group so we can think tank our ideas and how to go about making a
collaborative effort.


If you think it's not going to work that's entirely understandable,
if you have criticisms throw them my way too. I've wrote GW many emails
and 3 physical letters and have never received a response but I figure
with volume and a clear message it can work.




The group, I hope the link works because it's the only one I can copy.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged
Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged

So I decided that if anyone who's not pleased with the current state
of our emasculated codex would like to get onboard with this or even
anyone that just feels like engaging the notion I've made a facebook
group so we can think tank our ideas and how to go about making a
collaborative effort.


If you think it's not going to work that's entirely understandable,
if you have criticisms throw them my way too. I've wrote GW many emails
and 3 physical letters and have never received a response but I figure
with volume and a clear message it can work.




The group, I hope the link works because it's the only one I can copy.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged
Hidden by Brother Tyler, September 22, 2013 - Spam moved and merged

So I decided that if anyone who's not pleased with the current state
of our emasculated codex would like to get onboard with this or even
anyone that just feels like engaging the notion I've made a facebook
group so we can think tank our ideas and how to go about making a
collaborative effort.


If you think it's not going to work that's entirely understandable,
if you have criticisms throw them my way too. I've wrote GW many emails
and 3 physical letters and have never received a response but I figure
with volume and a clear message it can work.




The group, I hope the link works because it's the only one I can copy.

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Please expand this topic a bit more.


1. What is your goal, exactly?

2. What steps will be required to reach that goal?

3. What's your plan to pass through standard corporate answering machine?

4. What makes this group different from so called "vocal minority" on all other resources?


Sorry if that information is already printed on facebook group, I'm not registered (and not planning to unless cause is really worth it) so I cannot see it.

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Please expand this topic a bit more.


1. What is your goal, exactly?

2. What steps will be required to reach that goal?

3. What's your plan to pass through standard corporate answering machine?

4. What makes this group different from so called "vocal minority" on all other resources?


Sorry if that information is already printed on facebook group, I'm not registered (and not planning to unless cause is really worth it) so I cannot see it.


It's not, but basically your questions are valid and that's exactly what we're trying to brainstorm, most of it is covered in the complaint sticky at the top but I've tried several times through snail mail and emails to get through to GW.


No responses, so I figure since they won't look at a single complaint, if we all send a letter at the same time each addressing our opinions they'll at least take note. That's the goal, if we get beyond that I'm sure we can brainstorm something as a community.

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Well, I think forums/facebook works better for putting stuff in common place and twitter to share/spread the disease. Since I really hate FB, I think that a couple of threads here and in (gasp) warseer would be a possibility (to me at least). Another place to put work in common is http://titanpad.com/ (for writing letters, and whatever is necessary).



Suggested name for this initiative: Crusade Nottingham :lol:

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Well, I think forums/facebook works better for putting stuff in common place and twitter to share/spread the disease. Since I really hate FB, I think that a couple of threads here and in (gasp) warseer would be a possibility (to me at least). Another place to put work in common is http://titanpad.com/ (for writing letters, and whatever is necessary).

Suggested name for this initiative: Crusade Nottingham laugh.png

I like it, would you be so wonderful as to spread the jolly good word of nurgle in your own way? Notoriety is key here. I'll basically give you the shpeal as follows from the facebook page. (Feel free to help me clean it up a bit if it needs work)

"So the plan of action is tentative at this point, when we get more minds

in this conversation I'm sure it will evolve accordingly.

But essentially I'm thinking we all take the time to write out (yes in pen

or pencil) a thoughtful, polite and concise criticism or reasons you

feel the Chaos Space Marine Codex needs to be amended or thrown back to

the drawing board.

Seal it up, we set a date for mailing, and send it all out on the same day regardless of continent/timezone/dimension.

One letter means nothing, but paper alone can overturn the universe."

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I like the sound of it. Paperstorm :lol:


Of course I will try and do my best. I think the Alpha Legion modus operandi is the way to go. Actual letters, (tons of) e-mails, faxes, signing petitions... Everything, whatever it is. I don't know how effective it can be, but can be fun.

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Well I'd love to stay more in touch and coordinated on this with you, so far it's choosing a date to send out the letters which will be interesting.


The brits seem to fancy days of significance much like the yank I am, are there any days that are significant or symbolic to something we can send them on? like Independence day and such?


Not for any actual reason I just think it adds flair.

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Hm, maybe the day the CSM was released? the day they fired Andy Chambers? the day Rogue Trader was published? or something like that.


By the way I'm starting to use the hashtag #CrusadeNottingham on TW. But feel free to add/do whatever you likes.


I need some coffe right now.


EDIT: I will PM you later

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I am sorry that so many CSM players feel so victimized by gw. The reason you've received no response from them is because they don't care. I do applaud you guys for taking initiative but might I offer an alternative- make your own codex.


If your gaming group won't allow your custom rules, you dont need to be playing with those people.


I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I respect yours. : ]

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I don't think you will find any understanding among non chaos players for this and even among those that play chaos support may be a bit low.

Why's that? Non-Chaos Players cry "Hell-Turkey" and stop thinking? I don't get the lack of Chaos support though.


If people cry on power level etc. I would agree you. However if the focus is arguing that the Codex is rushed and lacks character and is a half arsed job then I would struggle to see why others would disagree. Especially as this includes the argument that the Helldrake is overpowered when armed with a Baleflamer.

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This is GW, not a company like RIOT who actually listens to their customers. GW literally care about their customers. Yes this is deadly for a company on the long term.


In any case, I'm afraid any initiative is a waste of time. You honestly think GW isn't aware of the issues people have with the codex or the previous one? Even though the complaining about it has been going on for 2 editions now and is open for everybody to see? They *are* aware, fully, unless they *choose* to not be aware, which means they don't care,



Next time leave the language out or use the smiley. -- Kurgan

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Maybe they don't. Smells like truth.


But maybe accepting the defeat before the fight starts is not a good way to win a conflict. People was so angry with the 3.0 that they did the 3.5 codex. So maybe they listen sometimes.


While I mostly agree with you, I think that now, with all that means we have to 'show' to GW that we are dissapointed, sad, bitter, [insert feeling here] with our faction codex, it's almost a sin not to try.


We've been moaning, whinning, complaining, count-as-ing, for two editions. That's a whole lot of years of customers trying to make their voices being listened. But I understand that complaining in a forum is a lot more comfortable that actually doing something that might be useful to the community. The mentality of "why try, it's going to change nothing" is what keeps us -as a society- in a stagnate state of things. And they also know it.


In my case, I'm playing 40k since 2nd ed and is sad to look at the current state of things, and how GW had become. But if I have the chance, by little it is, to try to change something and contribute to restore the 40k chaos community, I'd say is worth the effort, no matter what the end result it is.


Next time leave the language out or use the smiley. -- Kurgan

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Maximvs, on 22 Sept 2013 - 15:09, said:

Maximvs, on 22 Sept 2013 - 15:09, said:

- The mentality of "why try, it's going to change nothing" is what keeps us -as a society- in a stagnate state of things. And they also know it.


In my case, I'm playing 40k since 2nd ed and is sad to look at the current state of things, and how GW had become. But if I have the chance, by little it is, to try to change something and contribute to restore the 40k chaos community, I'd say is worth the effort, no matter what the end result it is.


I fully expected somebody to say this. Thing is, look at the situation:


-Dark Eldar players were neglected for a long, long time. GW almost re-did their entire model line-up and in a spectacular way, imo. The codex? Really inconstent and arguably weaker than the one they had. Are GW incapable of writing good rules, or did they give them a weak codex on purpose? Why do they make a weak codex on purpose while investing so much in updating so many models? Makes 0 sense.


-Dark Angels ended up being a 'test codex' in 5th for Space Marines and Chaos to a lesser extent. When this happens once, one can call this an oversight. However: They *literally* did the same thing again in 6th: The Dark Angel codex is pretty much obsolute once again now that the Space Marine codex got released. Again. Has this been done on purpose? I don't believe it, I think they simply don't *care* about writing good rules for codices, it's entirely hit and miss.


-Eldar codex. It's one giant copy paste job, while accidently making the Wave Serpent way stronger. Why? Every Eldar players already owned a ton of Wave Serpents. It's not a financial motive, why? My answer: GW don't try to write good rules.


-Chaos codex: The previous codex suffered from simplicity, a lack of options and internal balance. There must have been 100's of players being able to 'fix' at least the internal balance, or if that fails, pointing out which units didn't function and why. So can one reasonably expect that a highly experienced model company which have been writing rules for years is capable of producing a much improved codex when spending a little bit of resources on it? Yes, one can expect this. Well we all know what happened, just compare this codex to the previous one. Actually, that's what GW probably did, instead of comparing it to the loved 3.5 codex. Result: Same bland rules, same internal problems, they just gave us 3 or so new Daemon Engines which nobody asked for.


I could go on with examples, but in the end my view at the moment is something along these lines:


GW don't try to write good rules and/or they are not capable of it. No person able of thinking logicly can deny this. Whatever their strategy is, it doesn't involve trying to write good rules, it's impossible. What good will it do to invest time into writing letters or whatever to hope that GW will decide to 'fix' the Chaos situation, when their whole vision isn't based on writing good rules in the first place? To me it feels like asking Mac Donalds to produce high quality food, it's useless.


GW their whole strategy has to change drasticly before sending letters will have any impact I feel. And you can take the 'has to' part further: GW has to change, or I promise you, the company will go down within 10 years. Hiding behind "we're a model company, not a gaming company which writes good rules" is sticking your head into the sand. Everybody gains with good rules and everybody loses with bad rules. Who wants to keep playing and paying for a game with sloppy rules? And when you are paying an elite price for it? Thought so, only the true fans. How is this game (or the WH40k universe) supposed to get new fans when there is no marketing and when getting a basic army is costing you an arm and a leg? Impossibru, indeed.


For the first time in my life, I yesterday prevented a friend who seriously wanted to start playing 40k from doing so. And that's while I love the game and would love to have that friend playing the game. Why? If I can't justify paying 700 euro for a new competitive army anymore, how can I let a friend do so? I'm a forgiving and hopeful man, but GW is like a ship without compass atm, drifting somewhere on the ocean, hoping the wind will bring them to a good place.



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