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I remember when their first multip part plastic chaos warrior kit came out and it was considered new and I felt old back then. The first bad battle report that made me go 0_o [eldar vs chaos. that new prism , that bad chaos list , that what the hell is this report feels].

The Chambers saying that people should learn to play termis in a plasma world , but understanding their plight and giving them +5inv.

And my very first WD . eldar GW champ vs GT eldar champ , own armies , the tournament champ saying he "didn't take more shuriken armed  guardian units , then lasgun armed guardian units to not be OP"[GT winners says he dumbed down his army to make his army weaker. mind blown].


This should be done cross forum , on Seer , Bell and dakka . Maybe people should take this to foreign forums too . Still IMO the hate helldrakes get , will make people not using them not realy interested in a change . Double that if their codex are just fine or awaiting an update soon.

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GW only stands to lose if they give in to your demands.


All kinds of people will be starting petitions to get them to change tiny aspcts of the codexes, and GW will be stuck in the mud as opposed to progressing.


GW will make another, better CSM codex, but it will be in due time.

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I don't think you will find any understanding among non chaos players for this and even among those that play chaos support may be a bit low.

Well, all I can say is I'm ready to spend at least £500+ if I get decent ( not = overpowered or "competitive") rules for my Night Lords.  


GW - if you want my money,  make it worth my while on the tabletop... it is there for the taking,  it's your call. 


Additional - if publishing (fluff and  nonsense aside) two pages of decent rules isn't worth that, then I no longer know what is. 

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Shouldn't the title of this effort be BLACK Crusade Nottingham?


Anything but.  Screw the UltraBlackSmurfs.


I don't see the comparison. Abaddon will allow people to accept him as their spiritual liege and become a Black Legionary even if their gene seed is not that of Horus Lupercal.

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I don't think you should include specific rule suggestions, just a list of things you see as problems. They cant use the suggestions offered for legal reasons, and if five seconds around here has taught me anything, its that no three of us can agree on what we want anyway, unless its something completely unrealistic.


Dark elves got specific changes through once, but that was only with a hundred pages of playtesting, and the changes were all extremely minor point or stat adjustments, no new or altered special rules.


Also, dont forget to include issues with the black legion supplement. My favorite is that they thought they could encourage taking a large deep striking terminator retinue for a super expensive character by making those terminators 10 points more expensive, while still leaving them without scatter mitigation. We aren't likely to see actual codex fixes, but we will get more supplements, so it would be nice if they'd try harder on future ones.

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Honestly, love the passion (and understand the frustration) behind this, but I would advise patience - just wait and see how Chaos pans out, we haven't seen the entire spectrum and I dare say we will be looked after in due time

You mean like we've been looked after last 2 editions? Really?



To be honest I don't think you'll get absolutely anything out of GW any way, but still an interesting performance to watch.

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Honestly, love the passion (and understand the frustration) behind this, but I would advise patience - just wait and see how Chaos pans out, we haven't seen the entire spectrum and I dare say we will be looked after in due time

You mean like we've been looked after last 2 editions? Really?



To be honest I don't think you'll get absolutely anything out of GW any way, but still an interesting performance to watch.


Yeah, really. This isn't 5th edition, in my eyes what has happened in editions past is irrelevant.


Who here can accurately forecast what the future of 6th ed is or how in depth/codex divergent supplements will become?


I'm choosing not to get emotional until a little later in the edition when we have more facts, and then believe me - if it isn't up to scratch, I too will start whinging 

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I fully support the concept but I have a single major reservation - will it achieve anything? How many of the people who signed up bought Codex Chaos Marines? How many people bought new models?


You see, if GW look at the sales figures and go "meh we're doing pretty good with our Chaos," then it's not going to change a thing.

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I bought a (wait for it), Baledrake and that was all from the new releases. I was looking forward to new Marine squad models,Havocs,possessed,Spiky sprues for tanks. Instead we got the horrible toyesque fiends and overpriced failcast figures. At least I did not want them as the rules were so terrible.
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I fully support the concept but I have a single major reservation - will it achieve anything? How many of the people who signed up bought Codex Chaos Marines? How many people bought new models?


You see, if GW look at the sales figures and go "meh we're doing pretty good with our Chaos," then it's not going to change a thing.


Who knows? But I'm giving the option to get involved and try to stem the most hate filled vitriolic complaints into sincere and concise criticisms not only for the good of us chaos players but to hopefully stem down the amount of chaos hate threads that are made.


So I don't think it may accomplish everything that I'm hoping to but at least I'll give it the college try, it's better than complaining and taking no initiative.

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Who here can accurately forecast what the future of 6th ed is or how in depth/codex divergent supplements will become?

Anyone , after 2-3 codex ment for new edition and after 2+supplements.

People were talking how the codex csm will look in the 6th in the middle of 5th ed.

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Who here can accurately forecast what the future of 6th ed is or how in depth/codex divergent supplements will become?

Anyone , after 2-3 codex ment for new edition and after 2+supplements.

People were talking how the codex csm will look in the 6th in the middle of 5th ed.

Supplements? Point and remove torrent dragon? Boon tables and forced challenges? Riptides, centurions and wraith knights? Digitalization of books and psychic powers?


Nothing has surprised you yet?

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Nope. We knew they will change mecha MSU and they did . We knew GW will be bring dual kit and center pice models and they did. After the GK codex , we more or less knew that each new army is going to get one big dual kit [center pice model] and some sort of a flyer.


After the first supplement we knew how later would look like. There was no supprise that BL was picked as source of chaos supplment, even when the codex is as Black Legion as it technicly gets .


bringing the "chaos" back in to chaos was talked about on many occasions ,both by the gav dex designers and on later occasions when fans had the option to ask questions to the DT. the fact that they implemented it almost the same way chaos in WFB works was again no suprise .

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I must be the only person getting around that didn't predict CSM to be characterised by a mechdragon



Fair enough Jeske, perhaps a friendly competition then.

Would you care to predict the state of Chaos at the end of the edition?


It's my belief that we will become more competitive and enjoyable as time goes on without the need to petition or facebook GW. (again draven, i support your initiative 100%) 

- I believe we will receive more supplements than nearly any other faction. 

- I believe that there will be fair representations of tactics that will be better thought out than 3.5 and options to make warbands a lot more characterful. 

- I believe units deemed unusable by competitive wisdom will come into their own with the right supplement and the right options/combinations.


In summary i'm choosing to believe that GW, a business, wants to make customers 'happy.' I think we got the first codex to get us away from the 5th and buy some time to expand on the huge variations that make up Chaos, while releasing the rest of the armies to check balance never got thrown out the window.

While the codex may be initially conservative it wouldn't be that hard for Chaos to become OP and as such needs to be monitored more closely than most.


Let's try not to lose our minds before we have all the facts in front of us and then at the end, if i'm proved wrong, maybe it's time for a new army or game system that will look after your particular needs/wants

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It's my belief that we will become more competitive and enjoyable as time goes on without the need to petition or facebook GW. (again draven, i support your initiative 100%) 

- I believe we will receive more supplements than nearly any other faction. 

- I believe that there will be fair representations of tactics that will be better thought out than 3.5 and options to make warbands a lot more characterful. 

- I believe units deemed unusable by competitive wisdom will come into their own with the right supplement and the right options/combinations.



Space marines just had a supplement for a friggin COMPANY of marines announced, don't bet on it.

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I cannot think of a single thing that they would stick in a supplement (given what we know of supplements so far) that would desuckify the Thousand Sons.

They are expensive, have no weapon options, and their sorcerer is only ML1 and stuck with the Tzeentch power.  


The biggest change I think a supplement has laid out has been Abaddon's super terminators, and that was paying points for WS and BS, nothing nearly as drastic as what making 1k Sons good would require.

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