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Night Lords Omnibus


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Because in the novels the lightning is painted on.


EDIT: That and most Night Lord fans aren't a big fan of the real lightning being such a widespread thing.

Well am and quite a few no fan of chaos happy family merc chaos everywhere , but the fluff says that chaos is like that . So if it says  that the lightning are alive , they should be.

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Because in the novels the lightning is painted on.


EDIT: That and most Night Lord fans aren't a big fan of the real lightning being such a widespread thing.

Well am and quite a few no fan of chaos happy family merc chaos everywhere , but the fluff says that chaos is like that . So if it says  that the lightning are alive , they should be.


The book, like the lore, has both. The books are also now part of that lore (and have been for going on four years), so...

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Odd . why are the lightning painted on , the codex fluff tells us that it is actual lightning .

Because Night Lords do not sparkle like Edward Cullen, old fluff be censored.gif .

That said, I have to agree about being underwhelmed by the cover art. It's not that it's "bad" per se, it's just that the it doesn't live up to the standards set by the paperback covers or even the fanart of Talos ABD posted on his blog.

As someone who owns all three of the novels already, is there any compelling reason why I should pick this up?

(Sorry ADB, I don't consider "It'll be your small contribution to me being able to build a tree house made solely out of bundles of cash" a compelling reason. Now, "It'll make Talon of Horus be published sooner", on the other hand...)

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@Wade: lol but actually the warp lightning is new fluff from a tiny little blurb in the 6th ed Codex


Not saying you're wrong, but I distinctly recall seeing that little factoid on Lexicanum a long time before the 6th Ed. Chaos Codex came out.


It embedded so deeply in my mind that I actually started plotting out a Night Lords army based on the Cullen family that would counts as Blood Angels (Alice as Mephiston FTW!) but I chickened out when the time came to buy glitter for my guys.


I might still go back to it, though. As the Night Haunter taught us, it's not just about winning, it's about completely crushing your victim's will to live when you do so...

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@Wade: lol but actually the warp lightning is new fluff from a tiny little blurb in the 6th ed Codex


Not saying you're wrong, but I distinctly recall seeing that little factoid on Lexicanum a long time before the 6th Ed. Chaos Codex came out.


It embedded so deeply in my mind that I actually started plotting out a Night Lords army based on the Cullen family that would counts as Blood Angels (Alice as Mephiston FTW!) but I chickened out when the time came to buy glitter for my guys.


I might still go back to it, though. As the Night Haunter taught us, it's not just about winning, it's about completely crushing your victim's will to live when you do so...



It's possible that I am wrong. I honestly don't recall seeing that little fact anywhere else but 6th Edition. I do recall a fanfic story from the BL forums forever and a half ago where a Raptor had warp-lightning, but then another had armor of creaming daemons and another had someother type of mutated armor. Huh. Have to find out where it came from just to satisfy my own curiosity now.
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Once again, one of those matters of personal interpretation. I'm re-reading Soul Hunter right now and in it lighting coruscates across Vandred's armor, but it is just painted on Talos' and the the others. I would say the lighting actually dancing corresponds to the level of corruption in the individual. Basically at a certain point a Night Lord gets twisted by chaos enough for his lighting paint to jump up and start dancing around.

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Once again, one of those matters of personal interpretation. I'm re-reading Soul Hunter right now and in it lighting coruscates across Vandred's armor, but it is just painted on Talos' and the the others. I would say the lighting actually dancing corresponds to the level of corruption in the individual. Basically at a certain point a Night Lord gets twisted by chaos enough for his lighting paint to jump up and start dancing around.

That is my view as well, although my personal preference would be to reserve it for very specific individuals, like sorcerers or a lord on the verge of daemonhood/spawndom.


But yeah, bad sarcasm on my part in my last post.

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The book, like the lore, has both. The books are also now part of that lore (and have been for going on four years), so...

But the books were always seperate , they have their own lore . Otherwise we would have huge fluff problems with old and new necron fluff , old and new eldar fluff because of how necron fluff changed . legions and csm being something totaly different depanding on who writes them . The whole long creation of marines would be thrown out of the window considering how many and how fast mariens die in BL books.

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screw the cover, i can now finally get all 3 books in 1! my local independent GW retailer closed shop a while ago and there's another well known book retailer who has maybe a couple of 40k books in their store, but that's about it. finally, my patience has paid off. 

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