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Night Lords Omnibus


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The book, like the lore, has both. The books are also now part of that lore (and have been for going on four years), so...

But the books were always seperate , they have their own lore . Otherwise we would have huge fluff problems with old and new necron fluff , old and new eldar fluff because of how necron fluff changed . legions and csm being something totaly different depanding on who writes them . The whole long creation of marines would be thrown out of the window considering how many and how fast mariens die in BL books.


At this point, dude (indeed, as ever) it's like talking to a wall. Being friendly doesn't help. Being informative doesn't help. Citing sources and lore doesn't help. I've lost track of the discussions where several posters have done all of the above, only to have you say "No" like this.


The lore is what it is, and it works the way it works. I suspect a three-second Google search will avail you of several threads where it's discussed in detail (threads in which I've seen you read and reply to, incidentally).


That's nice...but I got all three books already, and they have MUCH better cover art (no offense ADB)


None taken, old bean; I didn't do the art. My MS Paint glory has yet to grace a real cover.

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Underwhelmed seems to be the phrase of the day here. Compared to the originals, and the other artwork that exists out there for these characters, this is plain boring.


Also, why the blatant chaos star in the background. Most Night Lords are about as unchaotic as can be.


On it's own it might be ok-ish but compared to what's gone before? meh

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Also, why the blatant chaos star in the background. Most Night Lords are about as unchaotic as can be.


Except for Acrebus, Halasker, the Exalted, Ruven, Uzuas, the Bleeding Eyes, and arguably even Sahaal the Puritan himself (surrounded by a chittering cloud of daemonic entities that eat psykers and all that).

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Not one of Mr. Langley's finest pieces, but it's still pretty shocking (shouldn't be, I know) to see how hard the cover is elbow-dropped as if done by a first-timer and not by a veteran who has provided us with lots of incredible artwork.


Go easier, guys...

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Not one of Mr. Langley's finest pieces, but it's still pretty shocking (shouldn't be, I know) to see how hard the cover is elbow-dropped as if done by a first-timer and not by a veteran who has provided us with lots of incredible artwork.


Go easier, guys...


If I may play the white devil's advocate:


Why should we hold a veteran that we know can do better to a lower standard than that of someone who is still learning the craft?

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Well put, and I agree with you, but it's not like Mr. Langley is inconsistent with his artwork. It usually is great.



And there is such a thing as jumping at the first sign of failure regardless of previous credit.

Well, I don't think it's jumping so much as our expectations were "to hit the moon" and instead it sort of stopped in the atmosphere. It's not bad, I kind of like the nostalgic lightning bolts, they remind me of Black Lightning and Static Shock. It just isn't spectacular like say, the Know No Fear Cover, or even the Void Stalker cover. It's just kind of there. You know?
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Is it me or does Talos look like Rafen from the Blood Angels omnibus? I think it may just be the pose but they do look similar, feel free to slap me if I am wrong.

I would say its the same style, but not the same picture. There is some similarity between them.
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Is it me or does Talos look like Rafen from the Blood Angels omnibus? I think it may just be the pose but they do look similar, feel free to slap me if I am wrong.

I would say its the same style, but not the same picture. There is some similarity between them.

Thats probably what my crap eye sight it seeing.

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So basically the majority consensus is




Believe me, it hurt to crop a portion out of the second pic, which can be found HERE.



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