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Loyalist Dusk Raiders 1500 points


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All flame weapons are replaced with Chem-munitions.


Crysos Morturg 175

Legion Destroyer Squad 335
10 man squad, Sergeant with Power Weapon, 2 Missile Launcher and Melta bombs

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought Talon 270
2, both with multi-melta, CC weapon and heavy flamer

Legion Apothecarion Detachment 110
2, each with Artificer Armour

Legion Tactical Squad 311
marines, sergeant with power fist, combi-flamer, and artificer armor,
Legion Vexilla, squad armed with additional close combat weapons.

Legion Tactical Squad 200
10 marines, sergeant with artificer armor and combi-flamer, Legion Vexilla, squad armed with close combat weapons.

Legion Tactical Support Squad 100


If I've done my math correctly it adds up to 1501 points, so any advice on something to cut would be appreciated.


Question: Can the Sergeants get Power Scythes? If so, would that be a worthwhile investment?


Any suggested improvements would also be welcome.

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Hey good list!


I would definitely say that if you are able to, then plan for at least 1850 pts or 2000 if you can. Around 1500 most HH lists are a little lopsided and you cant get everything you want :(



With that said, I forgot about putting chem munitions on crysos! Good catch!


  1. Only thing you need to cut out would be just one cc weapon in one of your squads, just remember to model it.
  2. Sergeants can get power scythes as all characters that can take a power fist can take a scythe. You pay the points for the fist and swap it for equal value for a scythe.
  3. Fluff wise the scythes were given only to those favoured by Mortarion, which would be contradictory with the force led by Morturg to die on Isstvaan 3. If you want to make rules that this detachment was honored in some way that they could have it, then sure! by all means take it, nobody is stopping you.


As for how power scythes go...its not the greatest trade off as far as trade offs go. It all depends on what you want the model to do with it.


If your scythe armed sergeant is constantly faced with multiple models on his base, then sure go ahead and take it. Otherwise I would take the fist for the insta kill factor and protecting you from contemptors and high toughness models.



Your anti infantry is great, but you are really lacking in the anti tank department. If somebody comes and destroys your contemptors at range or has a spartan or land raider with armored ceramite, you are kinda screwed. Though I wouldn't worry too much at 1500 points as not many HH lists can bring much armor at that level anyway. I would definitely suggest some armor of sorts for your next advancement of points though!!!


I've never been a fan of symmetrical armies but I do like the two dreads.


I assume that crysos will infiltrate with the destroyers, so that leaves your tactical support squad to be really slow. I would try to find some points if you could to get a rhino to move them about, or else they are fodder and not as point efficient as they need to be. but definitely fits the foot sloggy feel!

1.) Are you doing dusk raiders? if so then nothing later then mkIII, mostly mkII

If you are doing doing DG, then II through IV is good with emphasis on mkIII

Destroyers already have their own modified mkIV at FW but you can have a DIY



2.) same goes for tacs


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