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Allied Shrike


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Looking at the new C: SM book, what if you took an allied detachment of Shrike, Close Combat Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm, and a Storm Talon?


You then attach Shrike to a Jump Pack unit (i.e. ASM, Honor Guard, or Sanguinary Guard) in order to Infiltrate them forward and give them Stealth.


The Scouts in the LSS can be used as a cheap, last minute objective grabber and the Storm Talon can provide some solid, mobile anti-air defensive, as well as Close Air Support for your Jump troops as required.


Any one try this yet? Any success with a similar tactic?

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Actually, Shrike's Rule "See, but remain Unseen" is as follows:


“Shrike has the Stealth and Infiltrate special rules. Before deploying, he may only join squads of Jump Infantry.”


Nothing in there about him not allowed to convey his rules to a Battle Brothers ally.


-Stealth and Infilitrate are both USRs that apply to the entire unit, as per the BGB

-Shrike may join any "Jump Infantry" unit (see above) and is Battle Brothers with Blood Angels, so consequently should be able to join a Jump Pack equipped BA unit (i.e. Sanguinary Guard, Jump Pack Honor Guard, Jump Pack ASM).


Perhaps you are thinking about Chapter Tactics (Raven Guard), which do indeed only apply to his detachment.... thus, allied BAs would not get any benefit from Raven Guard ability to use the JP in both movement and assault and re-roll HOW hits.

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The problem with the storm talon is that it does not do anything better than the storm raven, while doing a lot less overall.


The other problen you have is Shrike. While he is better than all of our Non-Mephiston HQs, he doesn't blend that well with blood angels. Sanguinary guard and honour guard are too few to make make his infiltration anything other than a suicide mission. ASM are too weak without a priest around, and a kitted priest with a jump pack gets costly.


Jump DC could work, but if you run any number above 12 you could have a free stormraven. It's a tough call to make.

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I know I'm necroing this thread, but after searching around the forums for the topic, I decided that was better than making a new one.


The problem with the storm talon is that it does not do anything better than the storm raven, while doing a lot less overall.

The other problen you have is Shrike. While he is better than all of our Non-Mephiston HQs, he doesn't blend that well with blood angels. Sanguinary guard and honour guard are too few to make make his infiltration anything other than a suicide mission. ASM are too weak without a priest around, and a kitted priest with a jump pack gets costly.

Jump DC could work, but if you run any number above 12 you could have a free stormraven. It's a tough call to make.


I remember infiltrating DC with Shrike to great effect back when 6th was in its first month, and I loved it. But then Shrike got FAQed to only work on units from his own codex, not Battle Brothers. I assumed this was still the case.


But today I was reading Codex: Space Marines closely to practice writing lists with it, and Shrike doesn't say that anymore. So it seems, based on the above thread I've just necroed, that he again gives Infiltrate to Battle Brothers? I suppose the "only jump units" prohibition is in fact more restrictive than "only from his detachment" would actually be, but since I've been converted to jump DC as it is, I feel a favorite option I lost has just been returned to me.


Someone please either confirm, or let me down gently.

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I know I'm necroing this thread, but after searching around the forums for the topic, I decided that was better than making a new one.


The problem with the storm talon is that it does not do anything better than the storm raven, while doing a lot less overall.


The other problen you have is Shrike. While he is better than all of our Non-Mephiston HQs, he doesn't blend that well with blood angels. Sanguinary guard and honour guard are too few to make make his infiltration anything other than a suicide mission. ASM are too weak without a priest around, and a kitted priest with a jump pack gets costly.


Jump DC could work, but if you run any number above 12 you could have a free stormraven. It's a tough call to make.


I remember infiltrating DC with Shrike to great effect back when 6th was in its first month, and I loved it. But then Shrike got FAQed to only work on units from his own codex, not Battle Brothers. I assumed this was still the case.


But today I was reading Codex: Space Marines closely to practice writing lists with it, and Shrike doesn't say that anymore. So it seems, based on the above thread I've just necroed, that he again gives Infiltrate to Battle Brothers? I suppose the "only jump units" prohibition is in fact more restrictive than "only from his detachment" would actually be, but since I've been converted to jump DC as it is, I feel a favorite option I lost has just been returned to me.


Someone please either confirm, or let me down gently.


The only restriction to the rule itself is only jump units. Thus, Battle broskies can benefit from the rule. I had a ton of fun with that list too.

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I can see some value in infiltrating an ASM sqaud with Melta with Shrike.  It is not competative but can be a good fun unit that offers a distraction, delivers Melta on turn 1, and basically serves as a good delivery system for Shrike who is the ultimate bully unit (though he should only cost about 130 points, no way he is 35 points better than Khan on a Bike for example, or 20 points better than Tigerious...  GW sucks at allocating point costs to things consistantly)


I think the key to using a unit like this is to pounce on an enemy flank they left unprotected.  With good terrain you may be able to bully a static unit or troop choise tucket away in the corners.  It is also worth mentioning that Infiltrate gives outflank, which can be used to great effect at times specially in the era of Riptide Interceptor fire that makes DS in a really scarry prospect.


Also a Drop Pod army would complement this well as it makes sure that Shrike and his guys are not all out there by their self.


I did this trick once with Sang. Guard and it was fun but Plasma Crisis teams coming in remineded me why Sang. Guard are so bad, which I really hate as it was one of the reasons I started BA.

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Really it depends on whether I'm taking Raven Guard as allies or not to begin with. If I am, then given that I need to take a mandatory HQ anyways, Shrike isn't terribly much more than an HQ+drop pod would be anyways. If I'm not taking allies, that's points I can spend on a Stormraven instead.
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