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Tsons Rules for a Campaign.


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Hi, guys. This isn't a super overhaul, so you won't see the Chaos Sorcerer or Rubric Terminators.. Just basic Ahriman/Thousand Sons rules that I want to use with a few friends in a small campaign of terror. : ] You also won't see any Codex: Chaos Space Marines hate here. I just wanted to do something unique for home games.
Mark of Tzeentch: Models with the Mark of Tzeentch re-roll failed Armor and Invulnerable save rolls of 1. Psykers with the Mark of Tzeentch generate their powers from any Lore in the Discipline of Tzeentch and re-roll failed psychic tests.
All is Dust: Models with this special rule are Fearless and ignore the effects of the Spawnhood result on the Chaos Boon table. 
Thousand Sons Special Rules (Same stats and wargear as before):
Mark of Tzeentch, Aura of Dark Glory, Veterans of the Long War, All is Dust, Slow and Purposeful (Thousand Sons Rubrics only), Psyker Mastery Level: 1 (Aspiring Sorcerer only).
Ahriman Special Rules: (Same stats and wargear as before):
Mark of Tzeentch, Aura of Dark Glory, Veterans of the Long War, All is Dust, Psyker: Mastery Level 4.
The Black Staff of Ahriman: Ahriman may manifest multiple Witchfire powers, provided he has enough Warp Charge to do so.
The Discipline of Tzeentch:
The Lore of Fate:
Primaris Power "Nightmare": Witchfire (Warp Charge 1). Range: 12" Strength: 6 AP: 2 Type: Assault 2, Ignore Cover, Pinning
1-2 "Dark Revelations": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker's unit. Models in this unit may re-roll any failed Armor, Invulnerable or Cover Saves until the start of your next turn.
3-4 "The Divining ": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker's unit. Models in this unit have the Preferred Enemy and Tank Hunters special rules until the start of your next turn.
5-6 "Tzeentch's Favor": Blessing (Warp Charge 2). Targets a single friendly psyker with the Mark of Tzeentch within 24". The psyker has a 2+ Invulnerable Save until the start of your next turn.
The Lore of Change:
Primaris Power "Pink Fire of Tzeentch": Witchfire (Warp Charge 1). Range: Template, Strength: 5, AP: 3, Type: Assault 1
1-2 "Gift of Chaos": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker. The psyker immediately rolls on the Chaos Boon table in Codex: Chaos Space Marines, re-rolling Dark Apotheosis.
3-4 "Debilitating Mutations": Malediction (Warp Charge 1). Targets a non-vehicle enemy unit within 24". The unit suffers a -1 penalty to it's Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1) until the start of your next turn. Each unit can only be affected once by Debilitating Mutations each turn. This power has no effect on models with the All is Dust special rule.
5-6 "Warp Armor": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker's unit. Models in the unit gain +1 to their armor save until the start of your next turn.
The Lore of Lies:
Primaris Power "Bolt of Tzeentch": Beam (Warp Charge 1). Range: 24" Strength: 8 AP: 1 Type: Assault 1.
1-2 "Warp Portal": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). The psyker and his unit are removed from the table and immediately Deep Strike. Enemy units no longer locked in combat with this unit consolidate.
3-4 "Slow Time": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker's unit. Models in this unit have Initiative 10, +1 attack and ignore the restrictions of Slow and Purposeful until the start of your next turn.
5-6 "The Twisting Path": Blessing (Warp Charge 1). Targets the psyker. While the psyker is alive, your army may re-roll a single dice this turn and may even force your opponent to re-roll a single dice (even a single dice out of a batch, such as a 3D6 roll) in their next turn. Multiple Twisting Path powers do not stack.


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Personally, use the black legion supplement to get a free level 4 psycher with a bound spell (worth it) for 30 points, with a level 3 sorceror, take a familiar, sigil, and a disc. Then go to town. Sack the tzeentch spell an roll twice in bio, try for endurance and iron arm. I used that combo last week, against a tau player, a GW manager, and he watched my dead sorceror, get up, sew himself back together, get back on his disc and cast a 12" burst ignoring cover.

Edit: I built a better Ahriman.

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I do quite like your ideas, but have a few questions :)


1. Now that the MoT doesn't grant a bonus to invunerable saves anymore, you're capped at 4++ for your characters and 5++ for the Rubrics, right? So basically a copy of the Daemon of Tzeentch  rule? It definitely goes more into the image of the Thousand Sons in the background material, so sounds nice.


2. How does spell selection work with your multiple Tzeentch lores? I do love your ideas there!


3. Wouldn't it make sense to rename the All is Dust rule? Its name seems to refer to the Rubrics, but the sorcerers are also profiting from it. Maybe something like Power of the Rubric or something along those lines :)


Anyway, nice ideas and I'm glad that works in your gaming group!

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Thanks for your reply.


Characters have aura of dark glory. With the possibility of badass powers for even aspiring sorcerers, even the basic reroll 1s ability is unreal if they just default to a primaris. Everyone has a 5+ and could get a 2+ with tzeentchs favor if they roll it. No 4+ for anyone



You can pick fate, change or lies to roll a d3 and generate from there.


All is dust works for rubricae and sorcerers because it sounds tragic.. power of the rubric implies that its a positive thing

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 All is dust works for rubricae and sorcerers because it sounds tragic.. power of the rubric implies that its a positive thing


Well beeing Fearless and ignoring Spawnhood does sound positive to me ;)
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Seems a little too powerful to me.  Mark of Tzeentch and Terminators gets you 2+ save, re-rolling 1s. Tzeentch's Favor and Warp Armor has the same issue.  While Daemons codex can actually do this, I think having multiple units in the army is too much. 

That doesn't mean I don't like it though.  I would just change some things. Here's a couple of suggestions.

All id Dust, Models with this rule are Fearless and Ignore the Chaos Boons table.  (Can't really mutate dust.)

Lore of Fate, I would take some powers from Divination. Maybe re-rolling to Hit, a 3++ Forewarning, and one that give Preferred Enemy, Tank Hunter, or Monster Hunter.

Lore of Change, take some from Chaos Daemons. Flickering Fire for Primaris. I like the idea of Debilitating Mutation. Maybe make a small Boon chart, all negative effects, and have the unit roll on it.  I would have Breath of Chaos in this discipline, and the old Boon of Mutation (Forget the wording, but it was a characteristic test, or model is turned into a Chaos Spawn. Make this a focused witchfire.)

I like Lore of Lies. Only thing I would change is making the "Fateweaver" power 2 Warp Charges. Too good a power for 1 WC.

Good luck on getting this down.  Should be fun to play.


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Hi, Eric-


I only use Terminators when people let me use my little Rubric Terminator rules for Apocalypse, and even then they follow Tsons rules from the codex. So any 2+ re-roll 1's cheddar is on someone else. Hehe. I never bust them out under 3k, really. Great point though. 


Regarding the 2++: I can see it being super powerful. I understand the Warp Charge 2 thing. I would consider getting rid of the re-roll failed psychic tests rule before making anything Warp Charge 2. Even the squad sorcerers are said to be absolutely powerful as far as librarians go. I want to represent that. But you're right- There needs to be a change. I'll think about getting rid of the Spell Familiar ability and maybe just give it to Ahriman. I really like the Aspiring Sorcerers having 100% spell access.


I like staying away (aka ignoring) the BRB Divination. I think it's very "good guy" themed. That's why I restrict the access with this rule set.


Thousand Sons sorcerers are immune to "Debilitating" mutation. See Battle of the Fang for more.. So that's why the Chaos Boons survive in this set (so far)


I might do the 2 Warp Charge mods....

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If you are doing a fun campaign thing with TS, I'd remove the Champion of Chaos rule for sorcerers with MoT, and make an additional rule for rubrics...a rule that any rubric can accept challenges instead of a sorcerer with MoT in the same unit...or something like that.


The unit description says they are used as bodyguards for the sorcerer...worthless bodyguards if the sorcerer gets slapped around by enemy characters all the time without the rubrics even having a say in it... :P

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I'm not sure if this will fit the fluff but...


Thousand sons codex ideas

-special rule- rubric mastermind

any to hit roll of a 6 from a squad with an aspiring sorceror with the rubric mastermind special rule can be allocated to a specific model in the targeted squad. Roll to wound as normal.


Options for heavy bolters with inferno bolts.

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