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Alpha Legion Info


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Ive become increasingly interested in the AL lately and was wondering how much info there is on them.


So far Ive read Legion, which I really liked, but cant seem to find much else about them. I did see that they are mentioned in Index Astartes IV, but Amazon has that going for way more than Im willing to spend.


Anyone have some good info or a direction to point me in?

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Solid info is hard to come by, which is part of what makes up the Legion Modus operandi. ;)

IMO the short story in "The Primarchs - The Serpent beneath" is great. Also " We are Legion" which is in "Treacheries of the Space Marines"

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Solid info is hard to come by, which is part of what makes up the Legion Modus operandi. msn-wink.gif

IMO the short story in "The Primarchs - The Serpent beneath" is great. Also " We are Legion" which is in "Treacheries of the Space Marines"

Good point, I just wish there was more about them. Thanks for the info as well.

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Legion is a really good book. I liked it a lot! The Serpent Beneath is anoter good story worth a read, and can be found in the "The Primarchs" book. Deliverance Lost is full of Alpha Legion action...but I dislike that book because what it meant for the Alpha Legion...further down the Mary Sue hole... I do appreciate the Alpha Legion involvement in Fear to Tread, it was absolutely awesome!


Short version: (I can go on forever)


The deception, infiltration and spying is all just a prelude and a beginning of the favorite tactics of the Alpha Legion...


The Alpha Legion preferred method of fighting is to overwhelm their foes with coordinated strikes from as many angles as possible. Traitors in the enemy forces is just another angle for the Alpha Legion, another strike to be coordinated and planned for. They care for their mortal operatives as they are valuable resources to be used in conflicts, but aren't too fussy about throwing them away once their purpose have been served or if it furthens the plan. They train, educate and equip them for their purpose and has even had inquisitors under their sway...


They are secretive and mysterious, and much is still unknown about them. It's not even known if Alpharius and Omegon are both alive, if one are dead (and if so, which one?) or if both are dead.



Post heresy they have both been described as having mutated troops and daemon princes, but also by infiltrating loyalist planets by posing as loyalist marines (Vraks, amongst others), so you can really go wherever you want with them.

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Many Alpha Legion in Deliverance Lost.

Some Alpha Legion in Age of Darkness anthology.


Also Hunt for Voldorius but they're more like generic CSM in there.


Ya I wasnt much of a fan of their portrayal in Hunt for Voldorius.


Come to think of it, I wasnt much of a fan of that entire book...

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it made the AL just evil master minds


not evil alpha legion master minds...the short story were they killed the entire chapter of whats their name off was brilliant...always good to have a squad of them around for "support roles"

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it made the AL just evil master minds


not evil alpha legion master minds...the short story were they killed the entire chapter of whats their name off was brilliant...always good to have a squad of them around for "support roles"


The Crimson Consuls.

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Just to point out there will be a few future release with Alpha Legion.


Black Library Horus Heresy Scar's will have the White Scars, Space Wolves & Alpha Legion.  It currently only on ebook version & bit are being release per week?  Not sure when the book will be offical release in local GW store/book store?



Also quick search on the Black Library website on Alpha Legion



Also there will be the Forge World Horus Heresy book III, which will have the Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, Raven Guard & Imperial Fist.  Rumour saying possible end of this year, possible earily next year.
If you keep a eye out on Sunday, with it being Games Day UK.  There might possible be some info/rumour/photos.  I know I will be asking about the Iron Warriors side of things on Sunday.


Hope this helps



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Yeah that was pretty sweet.



Alpha Legion can also be played up as the 'reasonable Marines' where they are apparently the only army to actually plan their attacks. A typical operation might take longer than a simple Rip'n'Tear that Chaos is usually known for, but will involve months of planning and infiltration to get as many advantages on the target as possible. Sleeper agents will be placed in enemy ranks, misinformation distributed to mislead the opponent, and a good deal of sabotage or theft of military hardware.


When actually committing to an attack it is usually extremely flexible and from every angle. Lots of emphasis on Bait-and-switch, outflanking, sudden strikes and retreats. They don't really have any uniform tactics or well-known strategies, beyond 'what happens to be the best option at this exact moment'. So as a player you should have plenty of opportunity to take whatever you like.

Just be aware that a lot of older fluff painted them as Chaos-lite, with very little emphasis on the Daemonic side of the army in favour of the Marine elements. You might want to avoid things like Spawn, Daemon Engines or Cult units in large numbers and instead focus a little more on your infantry options.

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