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A White Scars Successor Chapter.


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Hello all! I've been working on some White Scars Successors lately and thought I might share. I'm not nearly as skilled as a lot of the guys on here but I'm actually pretty happy with the way they are going. I got access to the new dex and fell in love with the White Scars tactics. Problem is my funding is low at the moment and I am pretty much limited to working with whatever marine bits I have handy. I don't have any bikes right now, but that will probably be the first thing I get once I can.  So here they are! They are far from perfect but comments and criticisms are more than welcome. Hope you enjoy.


Lets start with the troops:


Tacticals that used to be Death Company.



Scouts that are a mash up of fantasy and 40k bits.


And then we have a few HQs because I couldn't decide on how to equip them. I used  Grey Knight terminators as the base for each of them.


Teeth of Terra and Shield.




Primarch's Wrath.





And I had to have at least one HQ on a bike even though I don't have a squad for him to ride around with so I made one from bits.

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Hi there, whats the name of the chapter?


I like these guys, the painting is literally gritty and dark! I also like the bike you put together, it looks rather good, and I might pinch and idea or two from that ;p


Are they going to have an Chapter symbol? or squad markings? (simple geometric shapes get easier with practice if ou want to try it out - or just painting a knee pad, or half a shoulder pad a different colour!)


I know where you are coming from funds wise! Mine are similarly limited at present! - A good source of bikes is definately ebay, especially if your willing to strip and repair them!


Keep it up :D

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Thank you Brothers, I appreciate the kind words! I haven't decided on makings just yet. I thought about just going with The Marauders since they are basically the same color. I'm just not sure if my freehand is up to par for the flaming sword symbol. I guess I won't know until I try! :P I'm working on a ten man robed Honor Guard composed of Dark Angel vets bodies with Sanguinary Guard arms. Also a five-man LOD squad (which you can kinda see in the background of the pictures).

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