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Greettings from a brand new Templar


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Hello everyone ! 
I am finally, finally jumping in the Crusade after maybe one year of w40k training (with CSM, Necrons, Dark Angels, etc.) and 3 years of painting and wargaming with other games (the list would be to long to write and to hard to completly remember).
Now that I am ready I am joining the Holy Crusade to smite the enemies of the Imperium (which will mostly be represented at my local area by traitor guardsmen, tyranids and traitor marines).
I first discovered W40k when I was 14-15, so in 2004 (I'm turning 24 today), but at the time, no money, and worse, no candy store near me !
I actually live in a suburb area in Quebec (provnce of Canada) where wargaming is virtually inexistant. I found my chance at wargaming when I went to university (about 3 years ago) and discovered with a great joy that wargaming stores did finally existed in Quebec. It's just that most of them are in Montreal ^^. Since then, it has been in an out, trying to find balance between studies, financial stabilityl, work, physical fitness and wargaming hobby. 
Now that I have more or less mastered these, I can finally jump in fully and slay in the name of the Emperor !

So thx for your time and I hope you'll all have a good day !

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