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Mr Pinky just can't stay awake!

Dragon Claw

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I'm posting this in the hope that I'm not the only one who is afflicted by this terrible curse. Does anyone else have problems with their little finger 'falling asleep' while painting and if so have you managed to find some way to stop it?


For those who might not have the same expression in other parts of the world, I'm talking about where you get numbing, pins and needles feelings and often random spasms flicking poor marines across the desk after particularly long sessions.


So if there is anyone else out there with digital narcolepsy then please speak up!

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TBH, it sounds like you might need to take a break while painting, like 10 minutes per hour. Some of those symptoms sound a lot like what you get from repetitive motion injuries/syndromes.


Are you curling your pinky in while painting? If so, it is possibly you are clenching your fist too tightly and are mechanically pinching a nerve or blood vessel off.


Are you resting it against something that could be impinging on a blood vessel or nerve, like the edge of a table/painting tray?


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